Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

We're salty :)

Hopefully tonight I'll get around to hooking up the lighting and getting everything on the controller. Pictures to come. Tank won't see jawfish for another two months at least.
I'm going to start adding some of my softies in about a month but I want the feed the tank really good for two months so I'm sure the tank can handle the 5-7 Jawfish I'm going to add at one time.
what kind of softies, shrooms and zoas or you gonna do any leather corals. I think between nanook, me and few others we got any leather coral possible in the hobby, i only got few more to frag for dave and he will have every kind i got.
The only leather I have is that sweet neon green toadstool thats been passed around the CDP. I'm not opposed to 1-2 more as long as they're colorful. I have very limited coral space in this tank and I have a lot of rics and zoas.
smoothdogs neon green polyped finger leather is awesome, i got from CDP. i have yellow toadstool, plus bright yellow fiji leathers are sweet. Nanook has freaking huge brightest green nephea.
Man, Nick you are quite the sculptor with your rock! I'm impressed. :) You shoulda taken some art classes in college...

That tank is gonna be SWEET. Nice job.

Thanks Frenchie, I know who to go to when look'n for leathers ;)

Thanks to you as well Starr! My brother is and professional artist as well as my cousin. I never really had the knack for it. I'm more of a function over form kinda guy.

So the tank is now salty and I checked the pH and Alk just to see how the thorite is reacting after about three days with absolutely no cure time. Currently the pH is 8.44 and the Alk is 11.5, so high, yes, but not unreasonable. Hopefully, it doesn't go up much more.

I didn't get everything I wanted to done tonight but the light is hooked up and I started plugging things into the controller. Most everything under the stand is just a mess of wires at the moment so here's a pic of the tank.

<a href="" title="Untitled by nickgrant79, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt=""></a>

The right side is brighter on purpose as the tank is 33" long but the T5 fixture is only 24" Fortunately all my corals will be on the rocks so I shifted the light to the left and angled it to beam maximum light on the rocks themselves. I hate wasted light.

I through in a couple pieces of LR and big chunk of chopped shrimp so let the cycle begin! :lol:
I still can decide if I want to use a skimmer or not on this softie only tank. I have a bubble master 160 just sitting on a shelf. I've always noticed my zoas and leathers grew a lot faster in my old skimmerless systems compared to when I started to keep SPS and skimmed the hell out of the tank. Any opinions on this?
This build looks awesome!

Are you worried about Muriatic weakening the Thorite?

Haven't read anything about that, have you? As long as I'm just using it to bring the pH down to a reasonable level I don't think it will bother the thorite. Its basically just neutralizing the small amount of surface CaO that disolved in the water.

I asked Dr. Randy about it here:
My only basis for that line of thought comes from curing aragocrete. Everything I've read about it suggest that it's generally inadvisable to cure(or kure) with vinegar or Muriatic as it can weaken the MMLR rock, be it Portland or Thorite based. I have no idea of the quantity required to produce such an effect though, as I've always tried to avoid using it.

But IME, if RHF says it's okay in small quantity's, then your GTG. :thumbsup:
i have seen different on my daughters nano cube, no skimmer and everything looks great even the few zoas in there. Tank only has 18 watt 12k bulb and mushrooms and rics look great.
My only basis for that line of thought comes from curing aragocrete. Everything I've read about it suggest that it's generally inadvisable to cure(or kure) with vinegar or Muriatic as it can weaken the MMLR rock, be it Portland or Thorite based. I have no idea of the quantity required to produce such an effect though, as I've always tried to avoid using it.

But IME, if RHF says it's okay in small quantity's, then your GTG. :thumbsup:

I'm not to concerned about the strength of the cement. Every rock is actually ziptied to the eggcrate. The thorite is really just filling the gaps. I can't imagine it would disolve the rock or thorite if I'm just dropping the pH down to 8.2 or so.