Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

Algae acrubbers are indeed a very useful tool but not in the plans for this tank at the moment.
Nice looking zoas:) Is that a baby carriage off to the right of the tank:eek1:???

Baby carriage?!?! No, its a reflection of my porch railing. You know me better than that! Baby carriage, sheesh
Its a real shame but all but two are assumed dead and the two that are still alive aren't eating. Unfortunately, the bag they came in was deflated, smelled awful, and they packed all six (I only ordered 5) in the same relatively small bag. None of them looked good when they went in the tank.
I learned some time ago that jawfish should be transported in individual bags or they will rip each other up. I have been in Sea Dwelling Creatures in So Cal, they had a large tank with hundreds of blue spots, each one was in it's own plastic betta globe.
I ordered from Sealife Inc, they're a local collector out of Florida and their prices are about half of what yellow heads go for on LA. I also ordered some emerald crabs and anemone shrimp which were each bagged individually and doing fine. Despite this issue this company has been a pleasure to deal with. When they couldn't make my preferred delivery date of last Friday (they were collecting on Thursday) they paid for the extra Saturday delivery fee. Kara with Sealife Inc has been responsive to all my emails and will refund my Paypal for the losses.

That may be true for blue spots but I’m not sure if it’s the same for pearly/yellow heads. Blue spots live rather solitary lives naturally but pearlies live in colonies. Aggression in the tight confines of a bag may be different though. However, I don’t feel its ever a good idea to bag multiple fish together purely for the fact that if one dies there is a good chance the others will go as well.
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that is too bad. I knew of that website - always wanted to order a pair from there. So are you going to be ordering more from them or another place?
that is too bad. I knew of that website - always wanted to order a pair from there. So are you going to be ordering more from them or another place?

I haven't decided yet. I'm going to wait and see how these two do first. Best case scenario, I'll order again from somewhere in about a month.