Reeflo/Sequence Skimmer Club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13148205#post13148205 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jdeveaux
From what I've read I'll never need to sell it. :D

That's the idea, but I have been in the hobby long enough to know that technology changes with the times. Better more efficient skimmers are inevitable and always should look ahead.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13157146#post13157146 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moondoggy4
Are the Orca 200 in sump or ext?.....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13157146#post13157146 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moondoggy4
.... do they need a feed pump. Thanks in advance

Yes - they require a feed pump, or to be driven by the overflows.

Hi guys,

Here are the pictures of my Orca 25, I hope you enjoy it ok.

Here when the package with the treasure arrived.

My 250 came in today right on schedule however there were 2 parts missing from the skimmer which being metric presented a slightly bigger problem than it normally would have. The air intake venturi and the slip connector for the feed union were missing. Fortunately I was able to dig through my treasure of old parts to find pieces to fit. So the beast is installed and running. :D


I love this skimmer. It is well built and the drain they added is definitely a plus since I had to use it after I made a small plumbing mistake. I misread the detailed instructions
:p and installed the outflow pipe way to high using the long pipe so I was forced to make a correction post gluing :(

Up and running for 3 hours now and already a nice head of foam is forming. Bye bye Beckett...


I just got this skimmer the other day and im putting it together and i cant get the venturi nozzle to line up on top of the elbow where it screws into the orca pump. When the pump is fully screwed in no matter where i start the threads the hole for the nozzle ends up pointing down kind of diagonally towards the base of the skimmer. Im getting really aggravated, can someone tell me what i need to do to get this thing lined up right?

Add more teflon tape to the threads. Most of us have had to do this. How much? To be honest, I did not pay attention when I did it. I ended up adding tape a couple of times before I got the venturi where I wanted it.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13182674#post13182674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by luvreefs23
I just got this skimmer the other day and im putting it together and i cant get the venturi nozzle to line up on top of the elbow where it screws into the orca pump. When the pump is fully screwed in no matter where i start the threads the hole for the nozzle ends up pointing down kind of diagonally towards the base of the skimmer. Im getting really aggravated, can someone tell me what i need to do to get this thing lined up right?

Just installed mine on a new tank cycling tank. Let me tell you, I am really impressed with it so far. It was 4 days into cycling when I put the skimmer on, water was cloudy and a bit yellow with all the crap coming out of the rocks. WIthin 24 hours of putting the skimmer on, water became crystal clear, and yellowing was gone after 36 hours. It filled up the collection cup with nasty stuff.

It is on a 420 gallon system, running about 500 gph through it.

Here are some pictures.



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I just received an Orca 200 with no instructions. I have a 250 so I am fairly familiar with how they are put together, but I have two questions if someone might be kind enough to answer:

1) The 200 does not have screws to hold the neck/collection cup just slides into a recessed O-ring. Is this an older model, or is this the way they all are?

2) At what level do we want the horizontal part of the "T" fitting on the output pipe? Should it be at a similar level as on the Orca 250? I don't want to cement everything then find that it is too high....(I made this mistake on the 250). I'm thinking it might be best to play it safe and make the vertical pipe short enough to allow the horizontal pipe to be well below the beveled part of the cylinder. I plan to use a Pan World 50 pump... (I think it is rated at 580 g/h) it should be plenty strong to raise the water level. (Of course I can always turn down the outflow valve if I have a problem getting the level up high enough).

Thank you for any help, comments, or suggestions.
Just got my 250 today...yay! I'm now a club member. On to the question. At what level with the air off should I find my water level?

Well I also wanted to say I am gladly part of the club. I just got my 250 from Mike at Reefspecialty. First off want to give a big thumbs up to him, amazing customer service, compared to a couple of other places I was looking at buying this skimmer from. I will be setting it up this weekend, but I had to unpack it to see this skimmer and even though I knew it was a big skimmer, I was still blown away at the size, this skimmer is a beast and very well built, my wife could not believe the size and she is now scared that I am going to stink up the basement with what this is going to pull out.

Now I know this is one long thread and I have been following it, but with out having to go through it all again, can some of the people give a set up help list of what some of us new people should do or look out for. Thanks.