While we may disagree let's just leave it at what's been said. No sense in taking it further.

If you are looking for cheap frags, you can get much higher quality frags from the local reefers for the same price, no only will they be larger and healthier, they will come from a source that cares. When I was in Florida I would drive to Tampa once a month to pick of frags from a few of the local guys and talk about their tanks. If you're looking for cheap, stick with fellow hobbyists

+1 I'll keep this in mind for the future.
Actually I have adopted animals from a kill shelter in Hillsborough County. My current cat had a broken shoulder when we adopted him. Did i give the shelter my money? Yes. Do I support them? Hell no! But that doesn't mean that those lives don't deserve a chance. If the necessary controls in place ie: quarantine and dipping the Coral, I am not putting any other lives at risk. I'm actually giving them a chance!!!

You still are not getting the point.. Did the shelter BREAK THE CATS SHOULDER? Probably not it was brought to them like that. That's what your not understanding here. REEFS2Go doesn't care about the animals it has.

I'm done, hope you get some AMAZING CORALS from them and they turn out to be $1000 frags in the future.
You still are not getting the point.. Did the shelter BREAK THE CATS SHOULDER? Probably not it was brought to them like that. That's what your not understanding here. REEFS2Go doesn't care about the animals it has.

I'm done, hope you get some AMAZING CORALS from them and they turn out to be $1000 frags in the future.

No, the shelter didn't break the cats shoulder, but they would have put him down if we didn't adopt him... No disrespect, we are just not seeing eye to eye. I don't want to turn this into an animal rights argument. I will keep this thread updated with my experience and leave the discussion at that. Thanks everyone for your feedback and I will keep you updated.
No, the shelter didn't break the cats shoulder, but they would have put him down if we didn't adopt him... No disrespect, we are just not seeing eye to eye. I don't want to turn this into an animal rights argument. I will keep this thread updated with my experience and leave the discussion at that. Thanks everyone for your feedback and I will keep you updated.

Would you adopt a cat from somewhere that broke its shoulder and you KNEW they broke its shoulder?
For the record, there is a huge difference between a shelter that rescues animals and tries to save them by giving them medical attention and putting them up for adoption versus a puppy mill which has zero interest in that animals life and is just out to make a profit. So please stop trying to compare it that way. If reefs2go was rescuing fish and did everything they could to make sure that animal is healthy it'd be one thing but their lack of concern is what we're getting at.
I understand the idea of "asking the community's opinion" But I have to agree with Manny, you had every intention of buying from them before you made the first post. Your number one criteria seems to be price, which is fine, but I too would have to ask, why ask in the first place?
I doubt you could find a more resounding "stay away" consensus from the community. Yet you choose to ignore it.
Just seems odd to be honest, you come ask a question then ignore the advice. There are other vendors that honestly deserve your money far more, there stuff is healthier, cleaner and just a better product overall. You are tripping over the $50's to save the $1's. I guess all is fair on internet forums. :)
And to be fair, I have been to reefs2go, 4 years ago, there stuff was alive but "dirty" meaning bubble algae on the plugs, hair algae etc. But I did get a coral beauty that is doing well to this day. But I never went back, and until this thread honestly had forgotten they exist.
I debated weather to reopen this can of worms or not, but curiosity is killing me.

How did your order go?

Can you share your experience and maybe some pictures of your corals?

And guys.... lets not bring all previous posts back up again. I just want to get the guy's honest opinion on his purchase.
I debated weather to reopen this can of worms or not, but curiosity is killing me.

How did your order go?

Can you share your experience and maybe some pictures of your corals?

And guys.... lets not bring all previous posts back up again. I just want to get the guy's honest opinion on his purchase.

Hey Manny, I haven't updated this post because it got way out of hand lol.

I will break the review down in 3 categories: service, packaging, quality. I will rate each category A-F

Service: F
God awful. The place is extremely shady and not a very customer-centric atmosphere. This was expected.

Packaging: A
I ordered five SPS frags and each was bagged individually and was hanging upside down in the bag by the frag plug and what looks like fishing line. This was nice because the frag did not touch the bag at all.

Quality: B
Everything was alive and mounted securely on the plug. The frags where about 1 to 2 inches in length and showed signs of growth. The only reason I gave a B is because the blue mille I ordered was browned out but has since started to color up nicely.

Overall C+

I would never pay full price but I would consider purchasing again if they had another 50 percent off sale. But, maybe I was lucky... Pictures to come...
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Really appreciate the feedback. I'm glad to see that at least the coral health and packaging was good. I'm not surprised about the customer service part, but I'm sad to see that they have not done anything to improve on that. I look forward to the pictures and I hope everything continues doing great!

Thanks again.





Wow those corals look great! I think it just depends on what you ordered. My sun and black sun corals took a little long to start opening but pretty well have. Rhodactis mushroom came super small but is growing. The only problem I had was one red death paly frag that was great for a week and just died all of a sudden. Overall for me it was a great experience
I fell for their cheap prices before coming on here and ordered several pieces from them. Was really excited to get the order.then it arrived. Every bag I opened smelled like rotten eggs and there were basically brand new plugs in bags with dead zoas and mushrooms etc laying in the corner.which were nothing like what was pictured. Tiny sized. took photos like they asked on their site and sent email immediately and TRIED to call they answered email about a week later and they finally agreed to reship. Second shipment same story. After that it wasn't worth my time to continue to try to communicate with them. I just called it a $70 rookie mistake. When I got on here and asked if anybody else had any problems with them that thread blew up with people who had same issues or worse and links to multiple other threads where people had bad experiences. Lesson learned. Now I get on here for advice from people who have been around this for years for free I might add. My first reef tank is a 75gal reef and fish and is now 1 year old