Thanks for the insight everyone! Since my expectations are so low, I'm considering rolling the dice... They have some decent acros for dirt cheap and I'll be sure to dip them before introducing to my DT. I'm going to place an order today and keep you all updated. Wish me luck!
Personally I would not buy anything I can't see in person. This goes for any online retailer. Pods are one thing, but to drop money on corals that may be ill or damaged is a good way to seperate yourself from your money.

Marine Warehouse, Creative Aquariums, FAOIS, Tampa Bay Saltwater, local reefers, south Florida collectors and Aquaculture Nursery Farms have everything alive that I could ever want and are the only sources I use. This is my opinion of course.
Thanks for the insight everyone! Since my expectations are so low, I'm considering rolling the dice... They have some decent acros for dirt cheap and I'll be sure to dip them before introducing to my DT. I'm going to place an order today and keep you all updated. Wish me luck!

I wouldn't in a million years stick an acro in my tank from these guys.

If you want inexpensive high quality acros without having to worry about pests google hp corals and send Emmett an email.

Local stores have good pieces as well, but are priced a little higher, understandably. My 2 cents would be to get to know some local reefers and buy from them or bite the bullet and pay the higher price from a repeatable dealer mentioned above by others.
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personally i would not buy anything i can't see in person. This goes for any online retailer. Pods are one thing, but to drop money on corals that may be ill or damaged is a good way to seperate yourself from your money.

Marine warehouse, creative aquariums, faois, tampa bay saltwater, local reefers, south florida collectors and aquaculture nursery farms have everything alive that i could ever want and are the only sources i use. This is my opinion of course.

Thanks for the insight everyone! Since my expectations are so low, I'm considering rolling the dice... They have some decent acros for dirt cheap and I'll be sure to dip them before introducing to my DT. I'm going to place an order today and keep you all updated. Wish me luck!

For real? You're not going to listen to anybody's advice? Did you even do anymore searches on other feedback for these guys? For the record, some of the funniest comments have been on threads about these guys on the local forum.

Why ask for feedback if you want to ignore bad reviews? I'm tired of people asking if they can put a tang in a 10 gallon, but do it otherwise. Nobody listens to people's advice anymore. Horrible thing for the hobby. We are talking about live animals here. Yes coral are live too! Then maybe not, if you order from these guys. 5+ years of reading bad feedback on them is too many bad chances to give them a try.
Thanks for the insight everyone! Since my expectations are so low, I'm considering rolling the dice... They have some decent acros for dirt cheap and I'll be sure to dip them before introducing to my DT. I'm going to place an order today and keep you all updated. Wish me luck!

Why even ask if you were going to do it anyway? Its like buying ammo for your gun that might or might not blow up in the gun when you go to use it? Is it worth the risk? NOPE! How much money and time do you have invested into your tank already and then your going to buy coral from a vendor like this? Do what ya want but when you have issue don't even bother making a post saying how bad of an experience you had, or even worse I got this pest because of it.

One thing I have learned in this hobby is do not play with fire, buy from only reputable companies. Plus why not support the local stores around here!
For real? You're not going to listen to anybody's advice? Did you even do anymore searches on other feedback for these guys? For the record, some of the funniest comments have been on threads about these guys on the local forum.

Why ask for feedback if you want to ignore bad reviews? I'm tired of people asking if they can put a tang in a 10 gallon, but do it otherwise. Nobody listens to people's advice anymore. Horrible thing for the hobby. We are talking about live animals here. Yes coral are live too! Then maybe not, if you order from these guys. 5+ years of reading bad feedback on them is too many bad chances to give them a try.

Easy buddy, I appreciate everyone's advice here and take it into consideration before formulating my own opinions and weighing the risks. If you read the thread, there are mixed reviews, and to me, the risks are minimal. I already expect the service to be bad. When I go to pick up, I will inspect the order before taking possession. If they supply unhealthy corals, I will refuse the order and notify my financial institution.

Sometimes you need to check things out for yourself. 10 years ago people would tell me that the nternet on my cell phone was a waste, because I have an internet connection at home... Glad I didn't listen to those people.
Easy buddy, I appreciate everyone's advice here and take it into consideration before formulating my own opinions and weighing the risks. If you read the thread, there are mixed reviews, and to me, the risks are minimal. I already expect the service to be bad. When I go to pick up, I will inspect the order before taking possession. If they supply unhealthy corals, I will refuse the order and notify my financial institution.

Sometimes you need to check things out for yourself. 10 years ago people would tell me that the nternet on my cell phone was a waste, because I have an internet connection at home... Glad I didn't listen to those people.

LOL. You angered the internet Gods now. LOL

Dude just let us know how your order goes. I'm interested in getting a fresher opinion on this vendor. I recall even talking to the owner back then and not getting anywhere, but hopefully, your experience will be better.

Best Wishes!!!
Easy buddy, I appreciate everyone's advice here and take it into consideration before formulating my own opinions and weighing the risks. If you read the thread, there are mixed reviews, and to me, the risks are minimal. I already expect the service to be bad. When I go to pick up, I will inspect the order before taking possession. If they supply unhealthy corals, I will refuse the order and notify my financial institution.

Sometimes you need to check things out for yourself. 10 years ago people would tell me that the nternet on my cell phone was a waste, because I have an internet connection at home... Glad I didn't listen to those people.

So instead we keep a company like this afloat makes sense.

In no way does the Internet comparison compare to what your doing by not taking the advice of many many others bad experiences. There are lots of other places to choose from that are reputable.
Not gonna lie, I saw the which thread it was, then saw Manny was the last person to post and I smiled and thought, lets see what he says about them now. A friend of mine ordered pods and the shipment went smooth, why he had pods shipped from Clearwater to Largo is beyond me but, it went smooth he said.
So instead we keep a company like this afloat makes sense.

In no way does the Internet comparison compare to what your doing by not taking the advice of many many others bad experiences. There are lots of other places to choose from that are reputable.

This wasn't meant to be a comparison, more of a metaphor for going against the grain and formulating ones own opinions.
Easy buddy, I appreciate everyone's advice here and take it into consideration before formulating my own opinions and weighing the risks. If you read the thread, there are mixed reviews, and to me, the risks are minimal. I already expect the service to be bad. When I go to pick up, I will inspect the order before taking possession. If they supply unhealthy corals, I will refuse the order and notify my financial institution.

Sometimes you need to check things out for yourself. 10 years ago people would tell me that the nternet on my cell phone was a waste, because I have an internet connection at home... Glad I didn't listen to those people.

I think the reason most people have an issue with this is because we are not talking about you only having a chance of getting poor service, you are supporting a business with a long history of not caring at all about the health and well being of the living creatures which they sell. They aren;t just providing a poor service to many of these people, they are killing the animals they order due to the poor level of care. That is not the type of business that deserves to be supported. if it were one or two cases that would be no big deal, but when you can fill a book with the negative reviews it is a very different story. Reefs2Go has by far the most complaints of any salt water company I have ever encountered and seems to not care that their shipping and husbandry practices result in an enormous amount of dead animals.
I think the reason most people have an issue with this is because we are not talking about you only having a chance of getting poor service, you are supporting a business with a long history of not caring at all about the health and well being of the living creatures which they sell. They aren;t just providing a poor service to many of these people, they are killing the animals they order due to the poor level of care. That is not the type of business that deserves to be supported. if it were one or two cases that would be no big deal, but when you can fill a book with the negative reviews it is a very different story. Reefs2Go has by far the most complaints of any salt water company I have ever encountered and seems to not care that their shipping and husbandry practices result in an enormous amount of dead animals.

Well said!
I think the reason most people have an issue with this is because we are not talking about you only having a chance of getting poor service, you are supporting a business with a long history of not caring at all about the health and well being of the living creatures which they sell. They aren;t just providing a poor service to many of these people, they are killing the animals they order due to the poor level of care. That is not the type of business that deserves to be supported. if it were one or two cases that would be no big deal, but when you can fill a book with the negative reviews it is a very different story. Reefs2Go has by far the most complaints of any salt water company I have ever encountered and seems to not care that their shipping and husbandry practices result in an enormous amount of dead animals.

Good call! I remember talking to a guy on another forum who had a really really bad experience with them, and I agree with this 100%. As I stated earlier, there are plenty of local stores that go above and beyond for their customers which are much more deserving of our business and support.
I understand where you're coming from, however, if we as a community truly care about the animals that we are purchasing. It shouldn't matter where they are purchased from. A life is a life no matter who sells it. This is a little bit extreme but it's almost like buying cats and dogs from certified breeders and saying that all stray animals in shelters should be euthanized. I don't want to get way off topic just trying to shine a different light.
I think the reason most people have an issue with this is because we are not talking about you only having a chance of getting poor service, you are supporting a business with a long history of not caring at all about the health and well being of the living creatures which they sell. They aren;t just providing a poor service to many of these people, they are killing the animals they order due to the poor level of care. That is not the type of business that deserves to be supported. if it were one or two cases that would be no big deal, but when you can fill a book with the negative reviews it is a very different story. Reefs2Go has by far the most complaints of any salt water company I have ever encountered and seems to not care that their shipping and husbandry practices result in an enormous amount of dead animals.

+1 It seems like you want to purchase from them because of their "dirt cheap" prices. I would much rather spend more money and buy from a great LFS that sell healthy corals. The old saying is you get what you paid for.....Good luck!
I understand where you're coming from, however, if we as a community truly care about the animals that we are purchasing. It shouldn't matter where they are purchased from. A life is a life no matter who sells it. This is a little bit extreme but it's almost like buying cats and dogs from certified breeders and saying that all stray animals in shelters should be euthanized. I don't want to get way off topic just trying to shine a different light.

You make no sense at all. The stray animals could not control the place they are housed, neither can the reef animals. Would you support a shelter that did not take care of the cats and dogs. Would not feed them and not give them water, Not treat them for worms or fleas? Absolutely not you would not support them. Why would you.
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I understand where you're coming from, however, if we as a community truly care about the animals that we are purchasing. It shouldn't matter where they are purchased from. A life is a life no matter who sells it. This is a little bit extreme but it's almost like buying cats and dogs from certified breeders and saying that all stray animals in shelters should be euthanized. I don't want to get way off topic just trying to shine a different light.

No that's not it at all, that's kind of like saying why support a good quality breeder when you can support puppy mills.
While we may disagree let's just leave it at what's been said. No sense in taking it further.

If you are looking for cheap frags, you can get much higher quality frags from the local reefers for the same price, no only will they be larger and healthier, they will come from a source that cares. When I was in Florida I would drive to Tampa once a month to pick of frags from a few of the local guys and talk about their tanks. If you're looking for cheap, stick with fellow hobbyists
Actually I have adopted animals from a kill shelter in Hillsborough County. My current cat had a broken shoulder when we adopted him. Did i give the shelter my money? Yes. Do I support them? Hell no! But that doesn't mean that those lives don't deserve a chance. If the necessary controls in place ie: quarantine and dipping the Coral, I am not putting any other lives at risk. I'm actually giving them a chance!!!