I fell for their cheap prices before coming on here and ordered several pieces from them. Was really excited to get the order.then it arrived. Every bag I opened smelled like rotten eggs and there were basically brand new plugs in bags with dead zoas and mushrooms etc laying in the corner.which were nothing like what was pictured. Tiny sized. took photos like they asked on their site and sent email immediately and TRIED to call they answered email about a week later and they finally agreed to reship. Second shipment same story. After that it wasn't worth my time to continue to try to communicate with them. I just called it a $70 rookie mistake. When I got on here and asked if anybody else had any problems with them that thread blew up with people who had same issues or worse and links to multiple other threads where people had bad experiences. Lesson learned. Now I get on here for advice from people who have been around this for years for free I might add. My first reef tank is a 75gal reef and fish and is now 1 year old

No sure if I understand what you are trying to ask here, but the consensus seems to be that they are horrible at customer service and most corals are very poorly cared for.

I'll try not to sound too dark here, but I think FloMotion's experience was the exception and the rule is very much the opposite.

I compare Reefs2Go to buying knockoff products on a Chinese website that only accepts MoneyGram as method of payment. You are playing with your money and if you don't get your product or get something other than what you expected... Call it an expensive lesson, never buy from that vendor again and move on.

Keep in mind that businesses like Reefs2Go count on people not believing other people reviews or doing their research. They thrive because of people that only look at the price and/or decide to take the risk. In the case of our friend FloMotion, it paid off, but like I said, that is a very rare exception.

Good luck to all!!!
I have made numerous purchases from them. The mixed pods were always less than the number ordered- 2000 ordered and maybe 200 received. The prices of some frags were good, and they allow combined free shipping. I would order 250 pods with free shipping then combine several frags at a good price with free shipping.

My conclusion was to never order pods from them again. But the frags were worth what I paid compared to those available where I live. Half off with free shipping was a pretty good deal.

Would I order from them again? I'm not sure. I'm full to capacity now. If they had a deal I couldn't refuse I might. We all have to live with our own choices. Advice is requested to inform our decisions, not make them for us.
My wife and I met the (possibly ex) owners of the company about 8 years ago when we bought our first tank together and they were both very helpful and knowledgable. Allowed us to come to their (then) business at their house just off of lake Seminole. They had an in ground concrete/fiberglass tank that was the size of a small pool inside of a building in the front yard. It was actually one hell of a sight to see! We picked up a few fish and some other things, I really can't remember what we got for the life of me, but I will never forget seeing that tank. They were both very helpful and seemed very knowledgeable, but most importantly they were honest, even talking us out of some expensive fish because of our tank size. Makes me wonder if this couple opened the new shop and sold it to someone else with little care for the hobby or the livestock.

As far as a newer experience goes, my old roommate picked up an order of either 2,000 or 4,000 pods and ended up with what appeared to be about 500, tops. Obviously they are so small that it would be difficult for the human eye to pick all of them all up, but it just didn't look even close to what was ordered. He also placed a second order for some snails and hermits with a small amount that were DoA. He simply took a picture and sent it to them. Two days later he received replacements plus some extra "for the trouble" as they put it. This most recent experience with them wasn't horrible, but was far from "amazing".

I'm happy that your corals came in good condition and that you were pleased with your experience.

TLDR: At one point this company was great, not so much anymore... Not sure I'd ever order from them anymore as there are better options, especially from other local reefers.