Rendos' New 120 gallon tank

very clean setup. I really like it.

The one thing you didn't show is the pic between the empty tank, and the tank fully stocked... you know the one, when your whole house is trashed, and stuff is everywhere.

You made it look like a 5 minute job. :) Very nice.

congrats on the new system.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7179011#post7179011 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos
I am leaving it open. I have one or two stags on the rocks on the far right...I want them to grow into the open space.

I think he meant the left side of the stand??
Lovely tank:) ! I really envy you americans all the great acrylic stuff. Here in Norway, acrylic tanks cost a FORTUNE:mad: !
Purple Haze - I used metal clamps to attach the bent conduit to the back of the stand.

shelburn61 - it is a Sedra 9000 - reason behind it is if my return pump goes out for some reason, I can take the pump (Sedra 9000) off my skimmer until I get a replacement.

Ewan - hehehe. It definitely was not a 5 minute job.

DirtySouth056 - the left side is pretty full. Lots of the corals are still frags and I want to give them space to grow in.

gomle69/ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U - thanks.
If you could get a pic or send me to a manufacturers photo link I would appreciate it.

I'm picturing about 8 different types of "metal clamps" right now :D

Beautiful Tank!

Beautiful Tank!

That is a spectacular tank, I would like to achieve the same. Do you plan on adding any Anthias or Chromis, and maybe a carnation coral in the bottom under the rock work. Again, congradualtions.
This is what I used.

There are 3 Squamipinnis in there now. One of my local shops is holding a potter's leopard wrasse for me. That will be the only additional fish to the tank.
Love the aquascaping!

what MH bulbs/ballasts are you running?

edit: I just noticed my answer is 3 posts above ;)
Thanks everyone. I am looking at getting a Potter's Leopard Wrasse and a Meleagris. My LFS has both in and holding them for me. Those will be the only additions to this tank. Then I will just sit back and enjoy watching it grow in.
Dude, I'm jealous. That is one of the best tanks I have seen in a while..

I can't wait to see the stags grow out on the right.