Wow nice colors!
In Holland we say : sick beautifull
In Holland we say : sick beautifull

This became a weed as I switched to limewater for alk maintenance.
I assume the elevated ph lends to it growing so well.I had very little when I used a CO2 driven arag reactor.Keeping Mg in range also is a must as you know.
Hi Dan,
Can you elaborate on your elimination of CO2 driven CalRx? How do you run your CalRx now or are you still running it at all? I am assuming with your mature tank your Alk and Cal demands must be high. Can you maintain proper Alk and Cal with just a Kalk reactor?
Anyhow, any and all inof you can share would be great. I have a mature 180-gl sps tank and just introduced dosing ESV 2-part to help stabilize my system. I got this tip from a local TOTM guru and it has helped tremendously. I am still using a Kalk reactor and CO2 driven CalRx, but would like to knw if I can eliminate the CO2 portion of my setup.
Appreciate any help you can provide.........
Beautiful tank, Excellent pics! I've been following your thread for a long time and find your experiences very helpful. I was wondering when you first started using kalk you didn't like it what did you do differently when implementing it a second time that it worked? And other than the coraline algae did you see any changes in your tank or sps?
When you talk about the color of your sps with the vho's is it a color that happens immediately when the lights are on? Or is it a coloration the coral develops after a few weeks of being under them?
When you do your yearly cleaning under your live rock do you see a drop in po4 after?
When slowing down the flow at night to get better pe why do you think this is beneficial to sps? I agree lack of pe shows a unhappy acro but do you see them actually catching particules and eating?
In your experience the wild pieces you've acquired do you think it is possible to keep them the same color as they come in?
Thanks for keeping this thread going and helping the rest of us learn from you.
Dan. Trying to find some new sps frags. Looking for Ora bellina the atl shades of falland a few others. Can u recommend any good places. I was looking at aquacon but have seen negatives on them.