Roundtable Discussion Topics - Make Suggestions!

Steven Pro

New member
We have gotten a few suggestions for things to discuss at this weekend's roundtable session, but we can always use more. Let us know if you like any of these or if you have any other suggestions.

Protein skimmers
Dealing with nuisance algae
Lighting - not enough, too much, and just right
What suppliments are necessary and what aren't -especially with what type of corals/animal you have. ie) lots of sps corals= you better dose calcium somehow and what methods works best,etc.
Hi, I would be interested in some plumbing issues - specifically about plumbing for a basement sump and a 1st floor tank (pump sizing, noise issues, plumbing RO/DI unit, etc.). I probably need professional help with this project (more than can be addressed during a meeting), but I thought I would throw it out there. Thanks, Elisa
pump cavitation and nuisance algea, mainly cynobacteria, becuase i have been dealing with it for about a month now, just got a phos reactor though so well see.