Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

Caught the little bugger! Crafty. Only fish that would not go in trap. Finally after a few days I got him! I'm going to put him in time out for a few weeks in the sump and if my polyp extension comes back I'll be offering him up! Shame because he's BEAUTIFUL!!!! He seems to be everyone's favorite fish:(

I also had one I had to remove. I believe he is the start of my coral crash. He had attacked my favia, a brain coral and my acans damaging all of them. I had high nitrates at the time and I believe that the combination started the brown jelly disease that ran through my tank. I lost almost all. I'm still hoping I can save the brain coral. It was a shame as he was my favorite fish.
Yup. Well the only thing mine is being accused of is causing lack of polyp extension. In 2-3 week we'll know.
Hey buddy, hope the tank is going well. Can you tell us what your current filtration is? Are you not running chaeto anymore? If not what are you running in its absence? And lastly, which salt are you using? Thanks.
Hey buddy, hope the tank is going well. Can you tell us what your current filtration is? Are you not running chaeto anymore? If not what are you running in its absence? And lastly, which salt are you using? Thanks.

Currently using a mix of IO and RC. I add muriatic acid to kill the alk a bit.

Filtration is just my skimmer. I do have some live rock in the sump but haven't added any more. I did start Prodibio a few months ago and since loosing my chaeto I have been carbon dosing in tandem to compensate. Using the same mix I was in my previous tank 1:8 vodka:vinegar. I'm only on week 3 of carbon dosing and I'm taking it slow. I realize this now but my chaeto was tying up a ton of nutrients. I checked yesterday and phosphate is 3ppb and NO3 was 5. I did notice some paleing coming on so I'm going back to adding supplements again. I also run about a cup of HC GFO changes every 3-4 weeks.

Whenever my nutrients creep up I stop the supplements and only feed my homemade seafood blend as it seems to be pretty clean. As needed I add more to it (mysis, bloodworms, reefroids, etc)

Last night I started adding Pohls again and I usually alternate with acro power and NaNO3 as needed.

I have no set recipe its kind of adjust here and there as I see fit.

When things humming along I add reefroids to my fish food.
When nitrates plummet I use NaNO3
When corals pale I call on the Pohls
When I want a little nitrate or a small adjustment I like acropower

Sounds complicated but it isn't. Bet similar to Zeo in the sense that the tank tells you what it needs and what it doesn't.
Forgot to mention I rehomed 2 huge chromis and I may rehome my angel, I have plans on adding quite a few more fish. Thinking of 2-3 fire fish, 3-5 anthias and or a few wrasses. Not all of that but some combo of the above. I DEFINITELY want at least 2-3 more anthias. My tukas need company!!
Here is a quick iPhone video. I was mainly to film my angel but you can see other stuff too. You can see him pick at the base of my notsoshaggyanymore mille too!

If someone can explain how to embed a video that would be great, lol!
Everything is looking nice!! It was you who has a TDF ? ( Tierra de Fuego Acropora) I'm looking to get one.

I have one but a long way from fraggable. It shut down during my funk and hasn't really woke back up yet. I have a lot of stuff, lol!

This is a recent pic. It grew s lot precrash but hasn't done anything!
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Here is another video from a few weeks ago. A few times a day my tank turns into a wave pool when my vortechs go into NT or TS mode. The waves only go on for a couple minutes....