I have been taking your advice
I've found that I have every problem known to man because of you.
go on folks. keep spending $600 on each of those pendants. Convince your selves that it is better for electricity, convince yourselves that in the end it will be bettter. :deadhorse:, LMAO
Ill sit here with the same old MH ive had for 10 years, growing better, no concerns over heat if you use the right fans, and it cost me $100 per set up x 2 for a 5 foot tank.:debi:
And Mr. Rovster has seen my tank many times, and cant debate.:blown:
Got it half off E, used, can your MH do thunderstorms and cloud cover....????.....I didn't think so:lol2:
Disco does it for me every time.
. The biggest plus is the controllability, and like I've mentioned before can be viewed as its disadvantage, because people like....well I won't mention any names....mess around with the settings too much.
LOL, of course I was joking. I don't want to turn this into another LED debate. You guys can see the results I post and decide for yourselves if LEDs belong in the discussion. I NEVER said I use LEDs because of cost, electricity, etc. The biggest plus is the controllability, and like I've mentioned before can be viewed as its disadvantage, because people like....well I won't mention any names....mess around with the settings too much.
For the record, I don't use cloud cover or lightning storms, I think its stoopid and freaks the fish out unnecessarily.
Again, for the record, Halides are King when it comes to SPS. Doesn't mean you can't get good results with other lighting systems. In my opinion, choosing a light for your tank involves weighing out all the pros and cons of each system, and picking the one that best suits you. And Eddie, no way in hell a pair of halides with reflectors bulbs and good ballasts are $200 for the set. At that price you are buying a beat up piece of crap. Yes you can get a pair for the cost of 1 Radion, but lets not exaggerate.
There is no perfect light. All have good and bad. I've said my peace. By the way, that turdcake is becoming one of the nicest corals in my tank. Its so bright now, you need polarized sunglasses to look at it
Tank is looking great buddy. With respect to the addition of the extra Radion; I've always felt that one needs 1.5-2 units more than Ecotech's recommendation in a full blown sps tank. I've seen this first hand from my buddies who have Radions etc. There is no doubt that the gen2 Pros and above can colour up SPS pretty well and close to even Radiums IMO.
In the next couple of years I think I will be leaving my T5's behind and buying LED's.
Do you get as good colour on the sides of the SPS (compared to from above)?
Thanks for the input. I was hoping you'd say that the colours on the sides are very decent (not as great as top down...but very decent). But deep down seeing my buddies tanks and my LFS tank (SPS tank with Radions) the colours from the side are no way as good as from top.
I wish Ecotech were to make a sleek T5 unit for the front...the fill in light at the moment can only be provided by T5/VHO's etc.
Anyway, your tank and corals look great; I'd raise the whites maybe a small amount; but would prefer to keep thing as they are; with things going in the right direction and SPS colour being as wonderful as they are; within a year you'll be trimming loads anyway.