A Reef In The Sky
A few things.....
1. Your skimmer is reacting to something in the water column such as epoxy, medication, etc. The bubble column inside the chamber should be right around the top of the cylinder coming off of the plate itself. Your bubble column is down to the bubble plate.
2. The skimmer venturi could possibly be restricted, causing the same thing to happen with the bubble column as mentioned above.
3. Push the silicone hose (coupling) on further. It needs to be pushed further onto the pump outlet, and further onto the skimmer inlet.
Hi Jeremy and thanks for the reply.
I am not totally sure what you mean in point 1. I have included a new picture so hopefully that will confirm my understanding. How would I clean the skimmer venutri? Any previous pics? I pushed the silicone hose further each way.
I would turn the skimmer outlet the other direction. From the looks of the pictures, those could be microbubbles from the skimmers output collecting on the outside of the skimmer. That red dragon pump will pull the micro bubbles from the skimmers exhaust back towards the pump and bubbles tend to collect on things.
If it is coming from inside the skimmer, just push the rubber tube between the skimmer and the pump all the way up the red pipe so it comes in contact with the skimmers body. That is the way I have my hose on those pipes. That hose will act as a seal around the pipe.
Either way, I would turn that skimmers exhaust away from the pumps or extend it with a piece of PVC past the pumps.
Thank you for your reply. I have pushed the silicone hose as close as I can on the skimmer inlet and RD pump outlet. I also repositioned the skimmers exhaust as you suggested. Thanks for that.
The foam production appears to be better now.

Does this look better?

Thanks for your help everyone