Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

A few things.....

1. Your skimmer is reacting to something in the water column such as epoxy, medication, etc. The bubble column inside the chamber should be right around the top of the cylinder coming off of the plate itself. Your bubble column is down to the bubble plate.

2. The skimmer venturi could possibly be restricted, causing the same thing to happen with the bubble column as mentioned above.

3. Push the silicone hose (coupling) on further. It needs to be pushed further onto the pump outlet, and further onto the skimmer inlet.

Hi Jeremy and thanks for the reply.
I am not totally sure what you mean in point 1. I have included a new picture so hopefully that will confirm my understanding. How would I clean the skimmer venutri? Any previous pics? I pushed the silicone hose further each way.

I would turn the skimmer outlet the other direction. From the looks of the pictures, those could be microbubbles from the skimmers output collecting on the outside of the skimmer. That red dragon pump will pull the micro bubbles from the skimmers exhaust back towards the pump and bubbles tend to collect on things.

If it is coming from inside the skimmer, just push the rubber tube between the skimmer and the pump all the way up the red pipe so it comes in contact with the skimmers body. That is the way I have my hose on those pipes. That hose will act as a seal around the pipe.

Either way, I would turn that skimmers exhaust away from the pumps or extend it with a piece of PVC past the pumps.

Thank you for your reply. I have pushed the silicone hose as close as I can on the skimmer inlet and RD pump outlet. I also repositioned the skimmers exhaust as you suggested. Thanks for that.

The foam production appears to be better now.

Does this look better?

Thanks for your help everyone :)
Yes, looks great now. When the venturi line is restricted, or your skimmer is reacting to something in the water column the bubbles in the bottom of the skimmer chamber will be down almost to the white bubble plate, and bubbles will be spewing from the exhaust / outlet of the skimmer. Looks to be normal now!
Hi Jeremy and thanks for the reply.
I am not totally sure what you mean in point 1. I have included a new picture so hopefully that will confirm my understanding. How would I clean the skimmer venutri? Any previous pics? I pushed the silicone hose further each way.

Thank you for your reply. I have pushed the silicone hose as close as I can on the skimmer inlet and RD pump outlet. I also repositioned the skimmers exhaust as you suggested. Thanks for that.

The foam production appears to be better now.

Does this look better?

Thanks for your help everyone :)

Looks great! I would say "problem solved"! :thumbsup: It does look like you can get that hose on further though. You just need to work it up and down to get it all the way to the skimmers body. Its not a big deal either way as it looks like its working perfect now.

I think your goona love your skimmer! I have been pleasantly surprised by how mine performs. I was very concerned about the performance of my skimmer before I hooked it up. I had a beckett skimmer that I really loved. Matter of fact, it was the best skimmer I have ever owned and I have had some pretty nice skimmers in the past. The Alpha is by far the most consistant and efficient skimmer I have ever had or seen.
Coralvue makes a float setup with a built in power bar. That is what I would suggest but you would need to come up with a way to lid mount it which a small bulkhead and grommet would accomplish. They also make a skimmate collector with a built in float switch and powerbar which I was contemplating but wont fit my limited space. I was thinking about making a rectangular shaped collector with their float switch setup built in.

You could always use a regular topoff float switch in the collection cup but I would be concerned about it gumming up with skimmate and failing you when you become lazy.
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Yes, looks great now. When the venturi line is restricted, or your skimmer is reacting to something in the water column the bubbles in the bottom of the skimmer chamber will be down almost to the white bubble plate, and bubbles will be spewing from the exhaust / outlet of the skimmer. Looks to be normal now!

Okay, thanks Jeremy. That makes more sense now and I will try to re-create that if things change in the future. Your help is much appreciated :thumbsup:

Looks great! I would say "problem solved"! :thumbsup: It does look like you can get that hose on further though. You just need to work it up and down to get it all the way to the skimmers body. Its not a big deal either way as it looks like its working perfect now.

I think your goona love your skimmer! I have been pleasantly surprised by how mine performs. I was very concerned about the performance of my skimmer before I hooked it up. I had a beckett skimmer that I really loved. Matter of fact, it was the best skimmer I have ever owned and I have had some pretty nice skimmers in the past. The Alpha is by far the most consistant and efficient skimmer I have ever had or seen.

Thank you Sir... I will try to push the hose on more when I get back from this current trip. Looking forward to this skimmer settling down and hopefully taking care of business. Glad yours is treating you well. Thank you for your help :thumbsup:
eran, if you cant find the Coralvue float, Ultralife makes one that would work the same, Ultralife Float Switch, which it has the longer bar on it as well, that holds the float.
I was wanting something just like the atb lids have. Just a plain float switch that I could hook up to my apex on my Neptune breakout box.

solRNY- nope it is pimping my system good. Last week the skimmate was dark but now it's super dark and Just about a gallon as well!! I just want it on there just in case it happens to overflow when I have a gallon of nasty skimate in the cup. When these thing overflow it's like freaking niagra falls with those pumps!

Slief and Jeremy: thanks for the suggestions I will check them out today. I have a buddy that works with acrylic and I'll see if he can drill me a nice hole in the lid and get this float put in.
I talked with the guys at atb and they are going to try and get me the float switch that they use on their 10.5 internal deluxe skimmer!!!!
A couple months back I got an Aquadriver SCH from Premium Aquatics Alpha 300. When I got my SCH I REALLY wanted the wash down version but the cost was not justifiable so I had been toying with making my own SCH for it.

This is what the AquaDriver SCH with wash down looks like. Definately a VERY nice piece!

I think I have too much time on my hands or stress in my life and need these projects to keep my mind occupied and clear.
I had it in my mind that I would build my own wash down for it. I drew out some mounts for the semi rigid 1/4" hose and gave that to my acrylics guy yesterday to laser cut out some piece out of acrylic. I asked for red if he had it but black was also an option. Last week I had contacted the tubing manufacturers distributor and requested samples of red tubing as well as the needed fittings. Being a computer manufacturer and government contractor pays dividends! Hose and fittings were supplied free of charge as samples and the laser cut hose mounts to my surprise were done today. Total cost me less than $30. I do alot of business with the plastics guy so he takes good care of me.

Here is what I started with a couple hours ago after a quick rinse.

A good cleaning and removal of the wiper and motor as well as the needed parts not including acrylic cement and weld on 40.

After glueing the hose mounts down.

This is after the bulkhead and hose were installed.


All that's left to do is add some holes to the tubing so its sprays on both the outside of the skimmers neck as well as the inside of the collection cup. To make the holes I will use a safty pin that I heat on the stove. Also need mount the pump which will arrive next week. I am using a Vertex RODI booster pump from Premium Aquatics which will be connected to my Apex so I can turn it on as needed or set it up on a timer.

I am really excited about the way this thing turned out. I even impressed myself!! :dance:
Back together. Now I just need to let the glue finish curing before I put it back on the skimmer. I made up another tubing ring the same size as the one in the lid which I will mock up and test my spray hole pattern before I put the final holes in the wash down ring. I have enough extra tubing to do this a few times if needed to insure that my washdown will spray correctly. Unfortunately I cant do that until I get the pump so holes and spray testing will have to wait until later next week. In the mean time, I will put the SCH back on the skimmer to insure my neck stays clean. It does work like a charm.

Since I have the tubing in there, It kinda crossed my mind to play with a wet neck on the skimmer. It would be very easy to add an experimental inner ring to see what it does. Could be fun as well as a learning experience. Perhaps an effort in futility but still fun.
Here is a picture after I put it on this morning. I had to wipe down the inside just to get a decent shot. It will be nice to have a clean skimmer cup all the time and not need to clean it myself. The wiper works wonders on its own. Now I just have to wait for the pump to arrive next week and put my holes in the tubing.
Hi Slief,

..... well done and a realy nice documentation.

If we search fo a canadian off-site processing we will contact you

Hi Slief,

..... well done and a realy nice documentation.

If we search fo a canadian off-site processing we will contact you


Thanks! In all honesty.. I could do it! There are a few things I Would change if I did it again but it was pretty simple given that I have some experience working with the materials and a good relationship with a plastics shop with a laser cutting machine. I was actually thinking about making a universal DIY kit for those who were interested or those with AquaDrivers without washdowns.

Very nice slief!!!!! Hope it works wonders when the pump gets in.

Thanks. I hope so too. I expect it to work just fine. I made a second ring so that I can experiment with the hole pattern and perfect it before I monkey with the one on the skimmer. Had I realized that I was going to get it done as quickly as I did, I would have next day aired the pump in from Premium instead of grounding it. :hammer:
I have been using the 250 now for almost a year... It does a good job, but thing is, not of the waste seems to get stuck on the inner side of the collector cup or on the underside of the lid (probably about 3/16 of an inch after 5-7 days).. I have tried wet and dry skimming and it does not seem to change too much. Liquid is a light brown and a thick layer of waste.

Any thoughts?
i just got the 200 in the mail and that thing is a beast. it came in one piece which suprise me, i though i would have to put it together and the though of that got me scared. couldnt put a 2 piece puzzle together.

i would like to test the skimmer to see if it work. i'm still in the equipment purchasing stage, so no water yet.

is it possible to test the skimmer in regular water or maybe a freshwater setup just to the skimmer work and check if bubble are being made. i know a full head of foam will not be possible, but would like to make sure the pump and everythig works. dont want to go back to jeremy 5 months later and say the skimmer doesnt work. that might sound shaddy. hahah

Updated Nozzles For Alpha Skimmers!

Updated Nozzles For Alpha Skimmers!

I would like to announce that the Alpha 200, 250, and 300 is receiving a nozzle change. The original design implemented the manual change out of different length nozzles for different air draws. The new design gets passed over from the Bubble King Deluxe and Super Marin series, and one that the Alpha 170 has already received, which is a tunable venturi. This will allow users to adjust the air draw by turning the nozzle inward (less air flow) or outward (more air flow) based upon the demands of the system and the performance desired by the hobbyist.

Air and water draw numbers into the body should remain virtually unchanged, and performance staying the same as what was offered by the original red nozzles. Currently, only brand new skimmers will have the update on them, however we expect to have updated nozzles available for purchase for a small charge in the near future for those hobbyists wishing to change.




