The Alpha 170 should be perfect for that setup. The SM250 would have been too big in my opinion. The pump is an RD1000, although the it's the same motorblock (Askoll 1500) that is used on all Alpha cones, the only difference is the size of the impeller, and the inlet/outlet.
Four turns out, 8" of water, and 80% closed is going to be pretty close for that sump depth. Let us know how it goes!
Ok i find that its very dry its the only 2 day going but i can't change the water level due to the float switch and its pretty much closed off so what is next the volute will be opened up more and then lower the water level in the skimmer i like somewhat med foam in the neck of the skimmer.
I also posted this in the equipment forum. If anyone can answer these problems it must be here.
This has been the worst skimmer to get dialed in. With that said I have to assume I am doing something wrong.
Please help out if you know the answer:
1 - What water depth are you running your Alpha 250?
2 - What red tube are you running with the pump (smaller one or the larger)?
3 - What position is your ventrui in, wide open, half way, nearly closed? I am unsure the tech name for the tube that you turn to adjust the amount of exit water flow.
4 - How often do you pull the pump and clean it?
My Problems:
1 - When I think the skimmer is adjusted to the correct level (begin to get foam in the neck) I always wake to find water on the floor.
2 - I can only turn the venturi tube a inch before water begins to exit the elbow that the air line attaches to.
My skimmer set up:
Skimmer is on a stand at a water depth of 8 inches. Stand is 4 inches tall. Total water depth of sump 12 inches.
I have switched the red tube to the smaller one that came with the pump. The reason for this is I was unable to get any nog with the stock red tube.
Total water volume around 250 gallons.
Any help would be great.
Thank You
Start making 1/4 turn adjustments with the nozzle, screwing inward.
If I rest my arm on top of the skimmer and turn should I turn left or right?
I have found when it is turned all the way (left or right) I can not turn more than 25% before water fills the air line.
Thank You for the reply
Pictures will have to be taken tonight or tomorrow of the sump and skimmer.
Here is a link to my build:
Nuts and Bolts
2 Aquariums tied into one sump
Tank 1 - ELOS 120XL (126g)
Tank 2 - 90g AGE
Sump - 48x24x16 (12inch depth stable)
With rock and sand displacement I put total water volume at 255-265 gallons.
Pair of Latz Clown Fish
Black Tang
2 x Bangai Cardinals
1 x Firefish
- 90g AGE
2 x A. Ocellaris
Flame Wrasse
Chevron Tang
Pistol Shrimp
3 x Chromis
2 x A. Ocellaris
Bio-load, not high at all. I feed about 6 frozen cubes a week, teaspoon of pellets and some flakes.
ok i have the skimmer at 3 turns and I think Jeremy that the more you open it up the faster the water is going to run through your skimmer and then you can adjust the water level from there. I have it a 3 turns and it seems to be looking pretty good. Its just hard to get around going from a BK SM 250 to the CONE 170.