Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Well... Bad news on the Ventralis :(

Most died while still at the collectors. It seems to most likely be decompression issues but im gonna hold off for a while until collection practices in the region improve.

On the other hand, I went ahead and picked up a very nice Japaneese Venustus instead and now I have a free tank to get my Conspic here a little earlier!!!

Sorry to hear that Ryan. I can't wait to see the conspic though and I think when you add him you really should give me the regal.
Well... Bad news on the Ventralis :(

Most died while still at the collectors. It seems to most likely be decompression issues but im gonna hold off for a while until collection practices in the region improve.

On the other hand, I went ahead and picked up a very nice Japaneese Venustus instead and now I have a free tank to get my Conspic here a little earlier!!!


That rough, but not uncommon. Good luck with the Japaneese Venustus!
Yeah, I know... I was just hoping that collection by a different group would have had some better sucess. If the collection improves, i'll give them a shot but from what im hearing about this Venustus, It is going to be a great alternative!

So I had another "which fish" talk w/ my wife last night... Because we are not going to be gitting the Ventralis, I wanted to know if she though a nice selection of wrasses would look good, or other Anthias.

Well, she is not a wrasse girl ( she does like the Rhomboids adn Lineatus but that is it) so we are now thinking of adding various smallish (3) groups of Anthias instead. I like the Bimacs, Evansi, Fatheads, Lyretails, Resplendents. I think 3 of each would be a great look!

Does anyone have any other suggestions comments?
Personally I wouldn't try multiple trios of anthias. First off, I prefer larger quantities of a single species (personal opinion ;)), but moreso I think you would see aggression/territorial disputes between that many species.

I did keep a trio of fathead anthias in a 150 gal for a while, but eventually as they grew aggression worsened and I had to separate them. I keep a single in my tank now and he just gets pushed around by the bandit.
Get a shoal of Bartletts!!! Very hardy and very colorful :)

Another great alternative would be Carberryi Anthias.

The others you suggest are great as well, but Bartletts are so cool when they group and stack up in the water column.
Personally I wouldn't try multiple trios of anthias. First off, I prefer larger quantities of a single species (personal opinion ;)), but moreso I think you would see aggression/territorial disputes between that many species.

I did keep a trio of fathead anthias in a 150 gal for a while, but eventually as they grew aggression worsened and I had to separate them. I keep a single in my tank now and he just gets pushed around by the bandit.

Fathead/sunburst do tend to do better by themselves. They are not the usual big schooling anthias. The rest of the anthia Ryan mentioned should be fine in a small group.
Personally I wouldn't try multiple trios of anthias. First off, I prefer larger quantities of a single species (personal opinion ;)), but moreso I think you would see aggression/territorial disputes between that many species.

I did keep a trio of fathead anthias in a 150 gal for a while, but eventually as they grew aggression worsened and I had to separate them. I keep a single in my tank now and he just gets pushed around by the bandit.

Interesting Austin. I've seen it done before w/ a positive outcome... I've also kept groups together before and in many tanks, Anthias just get territorial eventually. Im not sure if there is an answer to us keeping them in out tanks.
Get a shoal of Bartletts!!! Very hardy and very colorful :)

Another great alternative would be Carberryi Anthias.

The others you suggest are great as well, but Bartletts are so cool when they group and stack up in the water column.

Thanks David...

I like the color of the Bartletts, and I had the same opportunity that you did to switch from the Ventralis. My problem is that I know a few differnt people who say that the all just turn male and kill each ogther off!!! I really want to avoidthat if at all possible... I do liek the Carberryi as well!!!

I am going for that stacked up/full of motion look to the tank with many other very nice fish swimming in between!
Fathead/sunburst do tend to do better by themselves. They are not the usual big schooling anthias. The rest of the anthia Ryan mentioned should be fine in a small group.

With multiple comments on Fatheads not doing so good in groups, i think i'll pass on them...

Now Im leaning towards Bimacs... Anyone with any thoughts?

Maybe some Bimacs, Resplendents, Evansi, and Lyretails???
Now im reading mixed feelings on the Bartlets... I could get 10-12 and if I can keep them and they'll thrive, then im all in!

But ive most people's expierence is that they just wither away and/or all turn male and die, then i'd like to try somehting else...

Your thoughts???
I've had them before and they all have since died except for 1.

If im gonna add more, i'd rather add more colorful ones...
Well, I just picked up 5 Resplendent Female Anthias! They'll be here Tuesday!!!

After which i think i'll add another 5-10 Ignatus!!!
How have I not known about this beautiful setup for so long. I am in Merced all the time and feel like I have been kept out of the loop. Truely one the best setup and tanks I have ever seen.

I may have to come take some frags off your hands when those things start growing too big.
Well, bad news this morning...

I woke up to find all 3 of my beautiful Rhomboids dead. I have no idea what happened...

I did a 100% wc 2 dyas ago to remove the 3 weeks fo copper and 6 days of Prazi. I matched sg, ph, and temp right on...

I tested everything and there was no issue i found!

The only thing I can think of is that i added just a litle more water when i did the wc so the water level in the qt was higher which gave less splash (o2) to the tank when the water came out of the HOB....

Friggin sucks man!

But the Blakc Tang still looks good and is eating???
Sorry to hear this. Ryan is the a reason you did 100% water change beside to remove the Cu+?