Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

NOpe... The only reason was to take out the copper and prazi....

I am so bummed! Now I've got to spend another $500 on them instead of something else...

But, i think i'll go with 2 rhomboids and a male Lineatus this time... I was really hoping to save for a interrupta instead! What a waste. THe male was soooo pretty!
Have you ever thought of just running carbon and polyfilters to remove the meds? I have done it this way for yrs without any problems. Doing 100% wc, there are just so many risk and factor that can change. Once losing fish in QT is never fun at any expense.
Sorry dude...I should have emailed you earlier to warn you about the large WC and potential shock...

Thats ok Chris... I know now! And luckily Rhomboids arn't as hard to come by or expensive compaired to some of the fish on my list. Better to learn on them vs my Conspic!
I dont know why, but i LOVE the Roscoes!!!

Oh... Man It really sucks to lose such a nice fish! Especially after it made it through the tough part of QT. All that they had to do was enjoy another week or two in Hypo and then into the Display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hang in there buddy. I know what it's like to lose fish...and corals :sad1:

the roscoe reminds me of tim's berlinmethod tenuis
Thanks Jay!

Im good, I just would have much rather put the $$$ towards someting i didn't already have!!!

I really like the Berlin Tenuis as well. I have a small piece that is finially doing quite well!