Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Tank shipping...

Tank shipping...

Fortunately the AGE tank is built like a... well, like a M1A1, if you get my meaning... ;)

Does your have the PVC bottom?

Still following along - great progress being made...

Sorry about not posting pics last night Matt. I was just beat from working on the tank all day!

So here you go!

Here is the room all painted. It still needs baseboard and trim, but you get the idea.



And here is the electrical i got done yesterday! I've never done anything this big before and it went pretty smooth so i was happy!



But you can see the mess so that is first on my list today, Then... plumbing and if it all goes well i'll fill it w/ fresh water today!
Oh, Matt, Im gonna take 150 gallons from my other tank to seed this tank then fill the rest w/ rodi water. Im also gonna try to do that sunday as well as add about half the rock and the sand!

Brian, the shipping expierence was NOT a good one. Im glad i dont have to do that again. I suppose it all worked out, but what a big stress!
Lightslvr, Yes it does have the PVC bottom.

And this thing is very stout, very much like an Abrams! Im not sure how they do it, but what a nice tank!


and here is the Vent Fan. is 110 CFM so it should change the entire room's air out in 7 minutes, but with no equipment in there and me just working w/ the fan on it got pretty hot. Then my wife turned the house AC on and that room got COLD in minutes so that might be a big saver!

it's gonna look SWEET when this is all done. are you going to paint the back wall? also what size frag tank are you going to have?
NICE! I'm so jealous, I can't wait until I can get into a bigger place where I can have a dedicated room behind the tank and do an inwall set up like that! Good work.
Really nice planning and execution! And great job on snagging a very well built used system. I'd love to own an AGE tank. Too bad about the sump!
Looking real nice. Your current tank looks great. Makos tank did look great, so this cant end in any other way than a great tank :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15684931#post15684931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishkid6692
it's gonna look SWEET when this is all done. are you going to paint the back wall? also what size frag tank are you going to have?

Matt, I am soo excited for it to be up and running. We all no it is never done!

I dont think im gonna cover the back. I have a lot of coral im gonna move into the tank that should block most of the light becuase i want to see the tank from both sides. My current tank I can see from 3 sides so going to just 1 is a big change for me!

Oh, and im going to use my 75 gallon frag tank that i already have at my other house as well as a 46gallon bow for my OT.
Thanks very much guys for the kind words. Just wait for todays update. I got a lot done today and am very excited!

More pictures are en route!
So, I got the tank and sump plumbed today. I hvae to wait until the "Big Move" until i plumb the 902 and the frag tank.





And the we started to fill it w/ fresh water to check for leaks...



My Son Tyler was helping me..


Great progress. Ryan I wouldn't expect and answer too fast from UPS.. If their anything like DHL, it will be a few months. When DHL broke my skimmer they dragged it out. You need to call them once a week or they will try to drop the case. I got quite the run around with there claims. Call, call and call them some more.
a few more...

Here you can see the Awesome power of the Hammerhead on an Ocean's Motion. This thing Rocks!!!



And all covered UP!


So, everything went pretty well. I had the shop vac on standby an havn't had to use it yet. I only had a few minor leaks that i need to work on.

Im gonna let the fresh water run and help clean the tank until sunday. Then i'll drain the fresh and do a 130 gallon waterchange at the other house and truck the old Salt water to the new system. That will be my seed water.

I also have 100 lbs of dry sand, 60 lbs of live sand, and i'll take about 50lbs from my 210 sunday. I'll also take one of the rock structures and move it to the new tank sunday as well as putting a trashcan full of cured live rock i had killed because it was infested with mushrooms.

I think i'll let this sit until next sunday and then i'll just move over the coral and fish and we'll be rockin!

Thanks for watchin!
is the overflow covered or can you see right into it?if it's not i would consider at least covering that. if it were me i would cover the back especially since it's an in wall but w/e you do it will still look great. what kind of aquascape are you planning? can't wait to see what you do. and check out my build lol. i just updated it.
Matt, you can see into the overflow, but by the time i am done, you wont see it. I am planing on having a large rock structure with a lot of shelves about the width of the overflow that comes to a point about 6" from teh front glass. Then two ~18" rock towers on the outsides of the CL returns...

mylittlejade, thanks a lot!!!