Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Well Sunday was another very productive day!

I did a 150 gallon waterchange on my existing system and pumped the old water into trash cans in my truck and then drove to my new tank and pumped them into the new tank after i drained the fresh water and cleaned the tank and sump!

I also had a trash can of rock curing at the other house i put in the new tank and i took the rock structure nearest teh overflow out of the old tank and put that in the new tank as well.

I added 100 lbs of dry #0 sand to the tank and i scooped another ~50lbs of sand from the 210 and put it int eh new tank as well. I got 60lbs of live sand from pet solutions yesterday that im going to add to the sand bed too and it looks to be the perfect amount for me.

So the 150 gallons of old water i added to the 300 filled it about half way so i turned the CL on and it pushed the sand all over the place. I have been running the RODI for over 24 hours so hopefully today she is all the way full and i can get the return on today.

Im also going to try to hang the light rack and finish plumbing teh water change system to the garage. I'll be using a 55 gallon drum that is hard plumbed to the sump for direct water changes that i'll do once a week. They should be very simple because it is =just a push of the button.

As far as the rock work goes, i feel i got a great start. I stacked teh 2 outside towers to a way i really liked them, but i took the top half off because they were out of the water. I'll try to get them rebuilt and epoxyed today and positions how i like. Im not sure if i should have teh two outside towers closer to the front of the tank with teh center Island wrapping behind them, or push teh outside towers back to make the tank look deeper???

I'll post some pictures to get your input soon!!!
hahahaha, i never noticed the pink! My whole house is painted that color. It is actually called mushroom cap. It is a brownish color i think that is just the flash that makes it look that way!

Matt, Im working on the tank right now! Pics to come! I just fired up the lights and DAMN 4 400's is bright!

The tank only needs 1 more hour and the sump will have enough water to fire up the return pump and really get this thing rockin!!!
Well I did get a lot done today!

I really want ot have everything done by thursday because i work tomorrow and friday and i have a wedding on Saturday. I dont want to screw around w/ anything else Sunday, just getting the livesock moved over.

So, the tank is completly full, I still need to balance the SG, and ALK, but w/ the tank full, i got the closed look returns (which are sick!) positioned a little better.

I really like the way the rock is looking for a start. I still have about 1/3 more rock at the other house i will move sunday. I want to fill in the rock a little more but it is basically set.

Oh, and i got the light rack done. I removed the 8 24" VHO's Brian had as well as two Icecap ballasts. I really dont htink i need them and i know i dont need the extra electricity. Then, as i was getting ready to mount the pully system, i realized that the light rack was designed to go directly on top of the tank.

They are both 30" wide, but the front 4" of my tank is inside the wall! So the light rack is set back a little and the rear set of VHO's is not over the tank at all so i may not even run that set. I still need to order the VHO's and then i will play with them some!

Anyway, enough B.S. here are the pictures!






Just wondering if you have heard anything from UPS yet? Your old tank looks great so I am sure the new one will be something to see when you have it up and running. Tagging along for the ride.
Strout - I heard back from Brian the other day and he said they sent him back the sump and said they wern't going to cover it. They said it wasn't packaged good enough.

Of course, that is complete BS. There is nothing you could have done to save it from those huge breaks!
So, do you think with the tank circulating for a week, it is too soon to move all my coral and fish from the other tank??? I would really hate to rush it, but i really need to move that stuff out of the other house!!!

I was thinking of it as a 50% waterchange and adding some new rock and sand because i took most of it from the other house.

What do you guys think???
I would wait atleast another week. The extra wait may be for no reason, but better safe then sorry. How much do you have to move. Take your time if you can and move a little at a time.
good luck
Thanks Matt.

Aquaph - Im thinking to but all i have to move is teh coral and fish. But i really want to get it moved...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15713019#post15713019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ross.C
I can understand a tad bit of impatience at this point :p

haha, Yeah, that definitly is part of it. I am sick of going across town to my brothers house everyday for 2 months to check on the tank. On the other hand, i dont want to lose anything!
I was never worried about it until now for some reason. I was really just htinking of it as a large waterchange. I expect and algea bloom but i just want some other opinions. Oh and i am also dosing Zeo Start 2 to help things...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15712555#post15712555 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by roktsintst
So, do you think with the tank circulating for a week, it is too soon to move all my coral and fish from the other tank??? I would really hate to rush it, but i really need to move that stuff out of the other house!!!

I was thinking of it as a 50% waterchange and adding some new rock and sand because i took most of it from the other house.

What do you guys think???

I think I would do it in parts. I know that's a pain to do, especially how you're traveling between houses.... but for me, that would allow me to test things out.

Speaking of tests....test your water and pull up some numbers. Have you thought about using probiotics to help seed the tank?

Looks good though!


edit: Just saw your adding start2... I'd add the bak along with it.