Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Heck Yeah Matt! With a fish room! I'll get some more frequent pics up tomorrow. But my buddy who does construction said i did the frame wrong so i might have to tear it down and start over!

Now im off to see the Mariners Beat the A's in Oakland! My Buddy is the starting pitcher for the Seatle Mariners!!! Crazy to think i played ball with him as kids!

Here is the first round of Pictures!

The Sump Arrived 2 fridays ago from UPS because it would have been too much to add to the Freight shipment with teh rest of the tank. My wife and I were in LA for a Funeral and we didnt' get home until Sunday.

So, First thing I did was go and open the big box inside my garage! I was stoaked! And this is what i found...




Absolutly Ruined!

UPS must have thrown it around to break it that bad. The thing is meant to hold 600 lbs of water. I know it is a little fragile, but that is BROKE!

So, i made a claim w/ UPS and we'll see if there are going to reimburse me for the replacement cost. So i went out and just bought a 90g glass tank that im gonna drill for a sump...

Then, after a HUGE ordeal with the shipping company, the tank finally arrived monday morning. I ordered it with a lift gate so when they brought in the first time it had no lift gate and was at the back of a 53' Trailer...


So, we discussed if we should try to offload it without a lift...


And finally decided to have them bring it back Monday. Do you know how frustrating it is to have something you want sooo bad right at your front door, then told you have to wait 4 more days????
So the driver called monday to say he was coming by and he had a lift gate but the pallet was too big to get it on the lift gate. Then he proceeded to tell me he had no idea how to get it off his truck!

And of course I once again get furious!


But we decided to back my truck up to the lift gate and slide it into my truck...


But, before we moved the tank, we unloaded all the boxes Brian shipped me!!!




then, we slid the pallet with the tank on it onto the lift to lower onto my truck. Mind you that two of us were doing this as all my friends were at work and this thing weighs a good 500 lbs!



Then, of course, i unpacked the tank to make sure there was no damage becuase the drive had cracked the pallet w/ the pallet jack trying to move it the first time he came.


Now, I had to wait for some help to arrive so we could get the tank from my truck onto some piano dollies and into my garage.

so i decided to unpack everything!!!


The sick a$$ light rack.

and a stupid amount of plumbing!

UPS aggravates me! lol when i went to pick up my fish form them one time the lady went to the back to get it and she THREW it on the counter from across the room! i was no happy to say the least. sorry about the tank and sump ryan. it will be here soon enough! i can't wait to see this build come together. and what one are you in the pics? lol.
So, now i could Build the Stand and the room.

Here is what it started as.


and here is is progressing to the way it looks today!

With the sand in and door just standing there.


Here it is with the wall all framed up.



Then as it started to get sheeted.



And i drilled a hole above the front door to run electrical and water lines to the room from the garage. Then I coved it by a sofit and had it sheeted and textured to match the rest of the house!




And that is where we are at now! It is scheduled to get painted tomorrow evening. And im gonna try to finish the electrical and plumb the water change plumbing tomorrow, and if im lucky, i'll get the Closed Loop plumbed too!

Oh and i also got the 110 CFM vent fan installed as well as the Ceiling light hung yesterday!
Nice updates...Sorry o to hear about your sump experience. Any updates from UPS yet on claims??

Meanwhile, are you reordering your sump tank?
I still havn't heard anything from UPS.

For a sump, im gonna us a 90 gallon glass tank. Im just gonna drill it for a bulkhead for the dart. I've done it before so lets just hope i have good luck the second time!

I'll fill it Friday w/ fresh water and hopefully by a week from sunday, i'll do the big move!!!
Very nice Ryan. Looks like you have a very understanding wife also. Like I said before, I'm jealouse. Cant wait to see it full of fish. LOL
Looking good...

Are you just going to leave the blinds closed on that window in your equipment room?

Following along...

Lightsluvr, Im not sure yet. It gets morning sun so i may leave them open to get some direct sunlight, or I might just leave them closed...

Thanks Leslie!
Looks like a very cool build, re-build I might say. Congrats on your hard work thus far! I will look forward to more updates!!
Well, today was pretty productive.

The Wall got painted and looks very good!

And i got the 60 Amp sub Panel wired along with the 3 20 amp circuits and outlets are all done. Oh and the light and switch is finished also.

So, the plan is to do all the tank plumbing tomorrow and hopefully fill it by the end of the day!

Then I am hoping to add 150 gallons of tank water from my existing tank on Sunday!
NICE! no pics for today? looks like you have a really nice house also. are you also gpoing to transfer over your livestock on sunday?
Look like this is going to be a good one. I had a few headaches shipping my tank too.... never fun.