Salt Water Mixing Stations Let's See Them

Example: I want to add 25 gallons. before I can put 25 gallons in I need to take 25 gallons out. How are you metering this?

I have a predetermined mark on my sump for removal of 29 gallons. I just drain to that mark and refill. Use a 5 gal bucket and remove 5 buckets from your system for the water change. Make a mark on your sump at the drained 25 gal mark, and you're all set to just drain and refill for the future. Takes all the guess work out of it. Hope that helps.
I do the same. Masking tape with 'off', 'op', and 'drain to' markings. I actually just started doing 5 gallon WCs 2x a week so I don't even have to turn my system off anymore. My containers came with markings every 5 gallons so I know how much I am putting in, but that is irrelevant since I just fill it to the 'op' level in the sump.
I have a predetermined mark on my sump for removal of 29 gallons. I just drain to that mark and refill. Use a 5 gal bucket and remove 5 buckets from your system for the water change. Make a mark on your sump at the drained 25 gal mark, and you're all set to just drain and refill for the future. Takes all the guess work out of it. Hope that helps.

I do the same. Masking tape with 'off', 'op', and 'drain to' markings. I actually just started doing 5 gallon WCs 2x a week so I don't even have to turn my system off anymore. My containers came with markings every 5 gallons so I know how much I am putting in, but that is irrelevant since I just fill it to the 'op' level in the sump.

Thanks guys, that's exactly what I will do. I have a reservoir before the sump I will re-plumb the system to bypass the reservoir when I do the water changes and add a level indicator to the reservoir so I know how much to take out and how much to add back in.
Just put this together this past weekend.

I may be missing something very obvious. Is there a way to shut off a RO/DI system once a storage container gets to a specific point? A float-switch wouldn't work since the RO/DI isn't electronically actuated. Do you just have to check on it every so often? Seems like there could definitely be danger in having it over-flow... which makes me think I'm missing something!!!!
I have a mechanical float valve connected to my RO feed to the top of tank. my system is all gravity and mechanically controlled and works perfectly.
A float valve works similar to a toilet reservoir. When the float dips down with a lower water level, it opens the valve. When the water reaches a certain height it raises the float and closes the valve. You will also need an auto shutoff valve (ASOV) by the RODI unit to shut off the waste line when the float valve closes.

A float switch is an electric control which turns on/off a pump or solenoid. I would not rely on a solenoid, they fail.
A float valve works similar to a toilet reservoir. When the float dips down with a lower water level, it opens the valve. When the water reaches a certain height it raises the float and closes the valve. You will also need an auto shutoff valve (ASOV) by the RODI unit to shut off the waste line when the float valve closes.

A float switch is an electric control which turns on/off a pump or solenoid. I would not rely on a solenoid, they fail.

I guess this is if the RODI is hard plumbed to your water line?

If just adapting the RODI to a sink faucet in my garage where the mixing station is, there's no way to shut off the sink?
just get an RO float valve and attract it at he end of the feeder line and you are good to go. you can shut the sink off after the tank is full but the float valve we keep it from overflowing.
just get an RO float valve and attract it at he end of the feeder line and you are good to go. you can shut the sink off after the tank is full but the float valve we keep it from overflowing.

If both the feeder and waste lines are shut off, where is the RODI input water (from faucet) to go since it will still be running? Sorry if I am not understanding the operation of the RODI fully....:headwalls:
the waste line always runs but that is just going down the drain. it is no different than hooking the system up for drinking water. it is just a different storage tank. I am assuming you are using a 3 or 5 stage RO system.
If both the feeder and waste lines are shut off, where is the RODI input water (from faucet) to go since it will still be running? Sorry if I am not understanding the operation of the RODI fully....:headwalls:

Your assuming the water must go somewhere, when it doesnt have to go anywhere lol. Once the float switches off, it stops the flow for the product line. Then the ro system is only going to be flowing waste water, which is where the sink water is going to go.

Im beggining to collect parts for mine, ive had RO/DI systems before but nothing real "setup"...just a ro barrel and then mixing in 5 gallon buckets.

NO MORE! Ill be stealing ideas from this thread, shamelessly i might add.