Ok. I gotta ask... You all have some very beautiful, and well engineered stations. I have been studying this thread and trying to design one myself.
Not criticizing anyone's build by any means, but, I do have one question, though. I was in the process of ordering two tanks when it hit me. Why does everyone have 2 large tanks of the same size? One to hold RO/DI and one to do the actual mixing. If the water is only transfered from the RO/DI tank to the mixing tank, can't the RO/DI water be transferred directly from the RO/DI filtration system directly to the mixing tank? I understand the need for having RO/DI water for top off purposes and such, but, why would so much be needed?
Again, please excuse my in-experience. Not poking holes in anyone's plans. Its just easier for me to design something if I understant the reason for it. May be an opportunity to save money and space by having a much smaller RO/DI tank and running a splitter from the RO/DI filtration system to fill whatever tank I'm needing filled. Mabye, I'll learn something, and end up having two twin tanks as well.
Thanks all!!!