dekand What are the black containers W/the 3) 3/4" lines coming out the bottom & are they controled by the two boxes to the right of them
Those are the reservoirs for the Genesis Renew (I also have the Storm, which handles ATO - they talk to each other so ATO doesn't perform when water changes happen)
Basically it takes 1 gallon from the sump, meters it in one of those black reservoirs, takes 1 gallon new saltwater from the container below and meters that in the other, then dumps the new water into the sump, and old water down the drain pipe that runs along the wall to the washer drain on the other side of the wall in the laundry room.
Also the RO/DI unit is controlled by the Storm + RocV module (a box you can't really see) and what that does is kick on the RO/DI unit when the freshwater reservoir empties, and shuts it off when it's full.
So all in all from making water, to ATO, to water changes, it's 100% automated ... the only thing I have to do is mix salt every 12-13 days!
It's awesome! in my humble opinion :bounce1:
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