"Saltwater Connections" owner gets fined 135,000.

goosfraba= calm down and yes it was directed at you

If you were here to help people understand, you would lose that abrasive tone of yours. perhaps thats not your fault, maybe its just the way you talk, but that is how you come off as.
"isnt that the basis of which your country was built on and still stands today."
" i really dont give a CRAP weather you or anyone elce think my or some one elses argument is sound."

As for the free pass, indicated you don't agree with the punishment (fine/customer boycot) given to Saltwater Connections. You said that we want to "tar and feather him" What repercussions should the guilty be subjected to? time out?

You also right that i don't care about big business that intentionally breaks rules for profit.

if you dont see how morals and ethics plays a role in this topic, this whole discussion is lost.
Your argument is sound JF- based on the information you have. However, you are lacking information in so many areas, that it is really impossible to educate you on the processes involved in shipping, inspection at source, and in our case usfw and customs inspections. That does not even begin to get into the ways invoices are handled. Nor does it enter into the fact that the scientific identification of stony corals is done by examination of the coralites of the skel. As I said- based on what you know, your argument is sound- but if you dig in deeper- you will see your kung fu is weak.

THIS :thumbsup:

as someone who spent some time filling out cites sheets for an actual wholesaler/importer (small outfit long gone) and who has seen how clueless f&w is in the u.s., and as someone who knows that indo fishermen do not get paid anything that 'goes a long way', i gotta agree w/those who imply that you (jimmy)really aren't that knowledgeable regarding the subject of discussion at hand ;)
well Allmost, i thought i was having your back as i am in agreeance with you and couldnt come up with anything constructive to respond to KaFudafish,s total lack of acceptance of your opinion on this subject. We all like to have our say heard and sucks when others dont want to except it. anyways, cheers. you can all choose to click on the little red 'x' at the top right hand corner of your screen if you dont like whats in front of you. i do it all the time.

just because i disagree w/someone or think they're way off base, doesn't mean i won't look at/listen at what they have to say.(crazy people excluded. i hate crazy people) mebbe i'll learn sumthin'.

might be food for thought ;) :)