"Saltwater Connections" owner gets fined 135,000.

It's amazing how many people here don't know that this stuff goes on every day.

A large percentage of livestock in all your fish stores were obtained through mislabeling the product or claiming it was collected elsewhere. Not saying the LFS is in on it, but the wholesalers and their wholesale connection overseas are a gambit for this kind of activity. Otherwise things would be ridiculously expensive if it was on the "up and up."
It's amazing how many people here don't know that this stuff goes on every day.

A large percentage of livestock in all your fish stores were obtained through mislabeling the product or claiming it was collected elsewhere. Not saying the LFS is in on it, but the wholesalers and their wholesale connection overseas are a gambit for this kind of activity. Otherwise things would be ridiculously expensive if it was on the "up and up."

I agree with you it most surely does go on every day. Not everyone get caught. Still, If you know for a fact that a person has undertaken illegal activity of this nature and got caught, why support it? Sure, maybe, xyz person/company might be guilty too, but, until proven, that xyz person/company is not guilty of illegal activity and may just be trustworthy and doing it all by the books.
OK so he's using clams and live rock to build a fence. I'm guessing its to keep the sea horses from getting out?

I had considered one of their skimmers at one time, but am glad that I did not buy one.

DAMN SEA HORSES!!! :deadhorse1: :deadhorse: lmao
It will be interesting if people will start to unload swc equipment or if people will say shame on you and keep there swc stuff.
It will be interesting if people will start to unload swc equipment or if people will say shame on you and keep there swc stuff.

Unloading used SWC equipment, because of this, makes absolutely no sense and would do nothing to make a point of not supporting the company.

Refusing to purchase new SWC equipment would make a point of not supporting the company.
his business maybe struggling on paper, but i dont think there is a irs code for black market sales....
It will be interesting if people will start to unload swc equipment or if people will say shame on you and keep there swc stuff.

I don't personally own any swc stuff, but even if I did I wouldn't unload it on account of this incident. They already have the cash/profits from it, so you are only hurting yourself by throwing it out (since you wouldn't ethically be able to resell it used) and buying a different brand.
I would not unload my SWC skimmer but not everyone thinks that way. I do think some people will sell their swc equipment just to THINK they are not supporting swc. I am looking to upgrade my swc extreme 200 to a swc 160 cone.
I am glad he got fined, although I think it should have been a bit higher. I personally stopped shopping at his store prior to his sentencing due to the awful customer service!
I don't personally own any swc stuff, but even if I did I wouldn't unload it on account of this incident. They already have the cash/profits from it, so you are only hurting yourself by throwing it out (since you wouldn't ethically be able to resell it used) and buying a different brand.

I agree with Spar,
My SWC 160has cone skimmer works great after a few years. I would not sell it just cause this guy was doing some stupid stuff. Customer service was tough to deal with for me last year with them when my pump went bad but he did come thru for me in the end and replaced the pump when the warranty ended a month earlier.
The fine is not huge compared to the money he probably made off of some of his deals. Bottom line is this stuff does happen in all types of businesses everyday and we should not support them when we are aware certain people do the wrong thing.
I had no idea this was going on until I saw this thread, so thanks for the info.
Thank you for sharing that information. I don't own SWC and I wouldn't support them or any other company that practices in illegal activities. Money speak volumes, just like with supporting sustainable seafoods.
Thank you for sharing that information. I don't own SWC and I wouldn't support them or any other company that practices in illegal activities. Money speak volumes, just like with supporting sustainable seafoods.

Customer screams they want pukanicarribianfloridatongalava rock. LFS says "okay... $18 lb" no sale.

Customer screams "I want live rock but I only want to pay $2 lb" no product.

LFS tried to get rock that makes people happy (albeit through questionable methods, none of which are unusual in retail) gets fined. Customer says no more shopping there because the bad store man tried to get what people were asking for.

About 75% of the people complaining are hypocrites, the other 25% need to climb off that high horse.

And to shellyfish, you said you don't shop there because of crap customer service ... that's a good reason and I agree with your decision lol. I have an SWC skimmer, but I've never dealt with the company directly for anything. BUT!!!! Based on you saying their customer service is crap, I will avoid dealing with them directly :D
you made me laugh with your response Mekanic. :) if people only new how many importers and shops manipulate documents and the rules to import from indo for this hobbie. its amazing there is not a total ban YET !. this guy at SWC certainly did push the envalope though. i use a swc reactor for my bio pellets and i will not toss it just because people want to tar and feather this company. its really well built.
Customer service was crap, I'll admit. I had to deal with him, over the phone, a couple of times. They guy was a douche canoe, as far as customer service went! He seemed angry that I called him to ask a couple of questions about a new SWC MiniHOT skimmer I'd purchased, which came with absolutely NO paperwork...no directions, no warranty information, NOTHING. I was actually one of the first people to get one so there was also absolutely no information to be found, online. He answered one of my questions, thought that was good enough and hung up... He was even more rude when I had to call him back to ask him the second questions...lol
Customer service was crap, I'll admit. I had to deal with him, over the phone, a couple of times. They guy was a douche canoe, as far as customer service went! He seemed angry that I called him to ask a couple of questions about a new SWC MiniHOT skimmer I'd purchased, which came with absolutely NO paperwork...no directions, no warranty information, NOTHING. I was actually one of the first people to get one so there was also absolutely no information to be found, online. He answered one of my questions, thought that was good enough and hung up... He was even more rude when I had to call him back to ask him the second questions...lol

this right here assures that i will never deal with them, ever
I am using a samsung galexy SIII :)

samsung copied Iphone, and was fined, at least 10 times more than SWC.

yet I do not see anyone boycutting samsung. which is why SWC will not be boy cutted neither.

about customers service, that's part of price ! you pay 2K for a BK skimmer and you EXCEPT GOOD CS. u pay 300 for a SWC ... they can not hire a person and pay them 300 bucks a dy to sit there adn be nice to customer ! instead, they give 3 bucks extra to an employee to just answer phones, that's how costs are reduced.

we have a choise to pay more and get more CS or pay less and ... but cant expect best of both worlds.