Saltwater guppies


If you do keep me in mind :) Also let me know if you get any Killifish or Gambusia :)

Just set a minnow trap. That's what I used to do when I interned at the UM Fish Hatchery.

Probably sometime after the holidays I'll stick out a couple of traps. Got a couple of good spots on campus in mind.
Well, I started with 9, now I have 7. It seems that the black mollies get picked on more than whites or dalmations. They live in my fuge with 2 damsels. I acclimated them over a course of 4 hours. They tend to hang out on top and the damsels stay at the bottom. Fun fish to watch and they basically eat from my hand. They must poop a lot bc my chaeto ball has grown significantly in the past week.
Didn't like what I saw at the pet stores and just thinking about what they medicate the tanks with was enough to put me off, so I went and caught my own! Got four sailfin mollies and a pike killifish. Not sure if I'm gonna acclimate the killifish yet or just release him he's about 4"

Best pic I could get right now they're a little scared. If they all look well tomorrow acclimation begins!
top part of a 1 gallon jug cut off and held down with magnets along with the aquaclears basket. just random stuff i had laying around within arms reach that would give the fish some cover. tomorrow i will find some plastic plants i have and put them under the bottle and prob float one for the pike
Checking out the local petco and petsmart yesterday wasn't very impressive. I think I saw one black molly out of 20 that was a vicous algae/detritus eater. I wonder if the neighborhood fish farm has a better selection, they usually have nice fish there.
Checking out the local petco and petsmart yesterday wasn't very impressive. I think I saw one black molly out of 20 that was a vicous algae/detritus eater. I wonder if the neighborhood fish farm has a better selection, they usually have nice fish there.

Oh man I remember that place. My dad used to take me there when I was a kid. Good memories !
Have a Sunrise guppy that has been acclimating for the last 4 days now. So far I am up to 1.18 and climbing. Salinity in the tank is only 1.20 And then I may hike it upa bit closer to .25

This is going into my little picotope witha 20 gallon rated hob.
Day two of acclimation so far so good. Out of the four mollies one didn't look good after the car ride and died Friday morning the rest are doing great. The killifish looks good and I threw some guppies in for him to eat.
Mollies are already destroying flake and pellet food

Have a Sunrise guppy that has been acclimating for the last 4 days now. So far I am up to 1.18 and climbing. Salinity in the tank is only 1.20 And then I may hike it upa bit closer to .25

This is going into my little picotope witha 20 gallon rated hob.

please update with your progress im super curious to see how it goes with the guppies especially the fancy or any colored one for that matter
Cool thread. I have been thinking about saltwater fancy guppies for a few days and decided to buy 3 females and 2 males today whilst at a pet store. All 3 females are already heavily prego. It was funny buying them. The assistant asked what fish we already had, so I had to make up a FW stock list, pointing randomly at the tanks saying "some of those, those and those.

They are in a 5 gallon tank now with RO water and a sprinkle of salt. Unfortunately, my favourite male had a battle with a power head and looks as if he was almost decapitated! One gill is destroyed and all his find are frayed. Amazingly, he is perking up. Hopefully, he will make it.