SaraB's 183G Rimless AGE Downgrade

I like your calcium reacter. Why did you not get a Deltek calcium reacter as all the other reacters are Deltek? The progress is coming along well.
I like your calcium reacter. Why did you not get a Deltek calcium reacter as all the other reacters are Deltek? The progress is coming along well.


I've had 2 Deltec CA Reactors and sold them off as I prefer the ease of use on the H&S CA Reactor instead!
I added a few fish, snails, hermits, a couple corals and a clam this past long weekend! Photo's are off my iPhone... here's everything in some stage of acclimation:



Too many in the sump so had to move some bags to the fuge too:
Ahem...the natives are getting restless :lol2:

I know, I know!!! I will get the light hung tonight and post a pic. The house was in chaos with relatives down since Thursday afternoon, so I didn't get much done. The light rack is mounted to the stand and I have my list of which order to put my t-5 bulbs in the fixture after work and then it can get hung, plugged in by my husband and powered up!

That's a whole lotta bags! :eek1:

And they took me a lot of time acclimating on Thursday when they arrived (3 large boxes)
Finally got the Sfiligoi T-5 fixture up tonight. I still need need to do some cable management and actually wipe down the glass! The fixture has 8 of the 12 bulbs lit in the photo. I'm leaving my LED's on the top for now while I acclimate the tank to the new lighting.

Very nice - glad you were finally able to figure it out :)

Thanks! It was the Italian to English translation that was throwing me for a loop and also the fear of breaking the fixture before I could plug it in!

Tim at Aquatics Elite was kind enough to call me at 7PM last night and let me know that I can gently force the bulb through the turn with no worries! Great Customer Service there!
Here's pictures that Gary took of 2 of the new arrivals:

Macropharyngodon geoffroyi

Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Nice clean set up. I know your new tank is not really much smaller than your last one yet the picture makes it look a lot smaller,pictures can be so deceiving. Must have been cool seeing so many bags floating in the tanks you really did a good job of holding off with new animals until you had your problems worked out!
Thanks canyousee! It was really hard holding off on new items for the tank and I had a couple people restraining me too ;)