Coral Killer
Little update while I'm on vacation and have a few moments to spare before beach time.
The Marginalis had decided after a week of picking at my rocks in the display that my acan collection was delicious. I quickly removed all the acans from the display and within an hour it was picking around the new clams shell. It then ate prepared food and lights out. The next day it was going full bore on the clam, so the fish was netted out and placed in my 45G cube until I decided what to do with it. I "persuaded" Gary to give it a try in his NPS tank since he really likes butterfly fish, so that is where it went last night. Hopefully it adapts quickly to another tank and enjoys the flood of food it will get!
I also was quite worried about 2 of the new potters wrasses. The large male pictured above was out right away, but the 2 small females remained hidden for well over a week and I was worried that they were goners. Luckily both appeard within a day of each other and they now are out daily and great eaters!
The Marginalis had decided after a week of picking at my rocks in the display that my acan collection was delicious. I quickly removed all the acans from the display and within an hour it was picking around the new clams shell. It then ate prepared food and lights out. The next day it was going full bore on the clam, so the fish was netted out and placed in my 45G cube until I decided what to do with it. I "persuaded" Gary to give it a try in his NPS tank since he really likes butterfly fish, so that is where it went last night. Hopefully it adapts quickly to another tank and enjoys the flood of food it will get!
I also was quite worried about 2 of the new potters wrasses. The large male pictured above was out right away, but the 2 small females remained hidden for well over a week and I was worried that they were goners. Luckily both appeard within a day of each other and they now are out daily and great eaters!