SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

New toy arrived today ... now I just need some help installing it.

(I wonder when Ed's tank is going to be done???)
Still running the same lighting config with 3 Lumenarc III Reflectors with Radium 250W 20K SE Bulbs and 4 - 18" Actinic VHO's. The VHO's are mounted on the wood pieces over the bracing on the tank and run front to back.

Looks Great! :)

New toy arrived today ... now I just need some help installing it.

(I wonder when Ed's tank is going to be done???)

I assume you mean me... :lol: You want a hand setting up that reactor? I know you're don't care for the CO2 bottle. :lol2: We need to get your RK2 ready, test/calibrate your probes, etc. We'll need that online to get the reactor up. :)

Looks like my 90 is going to crash and nothing I do seems to fix it so i'm scrambling to get my reactor online and move my SPS to the new tank! I should be in practice again by the weekend. :lolspin:
Hi Ed ... yes I was calling your name :frog:

Sorry to hear about the 90 crashing ... call me and I can help you move some stuff tonight if you would like!

I've got the probes all calibrated, I just need to order up some better media than the Rowa stuff. I'll get on that today!
Sara, did you get it hooked up yet? The basics are, well... basic. The CO2 shouldn't scare you a bit.

Btw, nice avatar. ;)
Sara, did you get it hooked up yet? The basics are, well... basic. The CO2 shouldn't scare you a bit.

Btw, nice avatar. ;)

No, not yet. I had to order up some new media for it and I just got back from Canada for work.

My avatar is part of my snowmobiles custom graphics :bigeyes:
Gary, those pictures are amazing. You pick up so much more with a camera than we can with our own eyes.

Very nice setup you have going Sara!
Here are some updates that were done this past week:

Changed out the main pump from a Dart to Barracuda and had to rebuild the stack for flow going to the new frag tank and a new 45G cube:

New Stack:

New Frag Tank:


Sump and Back of the display tank:

Remains of old 92G system -some frags are still being held in this sytem and will be moved once the new frag tank settles in and I get around to moving the Lumenarc over the new frag tank:

Adding a new double stacked top-off water tank and saltwater mixing tank. Each tank is 65 gallons each:


Plumbing one new water tank ... look Gary, I've been paying attention while you've been glueing ;)
Here's the new 45G cube that replaces my 29G Biocube. If you were at MACNA, this is the the same set-up that was in the Drs. Foster and Smith booth. It's a 45G Marineland Cube with a Metal Halide/T-5/Moonlight fixture:



Back of tank - showing overflow:
Very nice Sara. That looks like my kind of room :lol: How thick is the new cube?