Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

Nice!!! Looking much better, and great news that you have some growth:)

It`s raining in Oslo Norway aswell;)

Was in Oslo last week with work and it was very nice and warm. Love the city!
Things seem to be going the right way for the first time in several months. Now monitoring very closely the progress without any sudden changes like before

Was in Oslo last week with work and it was very nice and warm. Love the city!
Things seem to be going the right way for the first time in several months. Now monitoring very closely the progress without any sudden changes like before


Aha:) Yeah, Oslo is great, but much colder this week...

Yes, I think you are on the right track now, keep things stable and if you do any changes, use long time doing it. That has worked well for me.

Let me know if you are in Oslo again and want to look at a Norwegian reef:)
Keep your head up and stay positives. Accidents are there so we can learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. Mr. Brooks is right in saying stop being hard on yourself unless you are trying to unprove the definition of insanity.

I made the same mistakes when I first setup my 125. Instead of getting smacked in the head, people were saying yes yes yes rather than no no no.

Keep up the good job and things will line up eventually.
Aha:) Yeah, Oslo is great, but much colder this week...

Yes, I think you are on the right track now, keep things stable and if you do any changes, use long time doing it. That has worked well for me.

Let me know if you are in Oslo again and want to look at a Norwegian reef:)

Just came back from Helsinki with 6c bbbbrrrr... I think i got a scheduled work trip to Oslo end of October. I will check up if you are in the town and i would love to drop by and see a Norwegian coral reef :)
Keep your head up and stay positives. Accidents are there so we can learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. Mr. Brooks is right in saying stop being hard on yourself unless you are trying to unprove the definition of insanity.

I made the same mistakes when I first setup my 125. Instead of getting smacked in the head, people were saying yes yes yes rather than no no no.

Keep up the good job and things will line up eventually.

Thanks man,

You have always been here for us and enjoying receiving comments from you :)
alu frame

alu frame

super aquarium you got there and nice setup.

just a quick question: where did you get the aluminium frame that your tank is standing on?
Just came back from Helsinki with 6c bbbbrrrr... I think i got a scheduled work trip to Oslo end of October. I will check up if you are in the town and i would love to drop by and see a Norwegian coral reef :)

Sounds great, I guess it would be a bit colder here then:)
Just send me a pm if you want to have a look:)
I am very happy that all is well. Very nice tank.
There are a lot of sps corals, how do you plan to replenish calcium in the system? Water changes?
You are a brave man to fight disease and problems in his favorite child. Health and happiness. Watch for the development of your system.
Excellent progress and very stylish and modern impression!

I also like your bonsai, another indoor hobby of mine that is not easy to pursue in the Nordics :).
Hello everyone

Very long time without an update/ I promise soon there will be one.

There is a big debate in Denmark about reactor vs. balling.

i am not anywhere close being an expert and i will follow below thread closely as to make my final decision.

Some friends in Denmark are reactor pro and have an amazing coral growth some other have equal growth with balling.

Looking forward seeing inputs on the above mentioned forum.

Warm regards,
A great thread. What a journey. Discovered the thread last night and just finished reading through. The tank is looking awesome now. Lots of learning points for me as I am setting up my 500 gallon tank. Respect.
Hello everyone,

Initially I would like to wish a 2014 filled up with health, prosperity and pleasant surprises to all of you and your beloved ones. May 2014 be a year of positive changes and fulfilling contributions.

It has been a rather long time since the last update. We decided to be a bit absent from the forum and focus on research and getting the tank in shape. We reached a point of having to decide whether we make it work or we put it altogether down.

Very turbulent has been the way leading up to today concerning our tank. A year of constant disappointments, endless frustration and wrong/quick decisions/fixings. The toughest was not to know what to fix, which was an alias and which was an enemy in the tank.

Today 03.01.2014 and nearly 4 months after the last update things seem to be getting better. We can see coral growth, polyp extension and better colour. Still we experience issues with some of the corals but nothing compared to a few years back.

What changed?

- We took the entire sand bed out. We didn't have deep enough to function as deep sand bend and neither shallow enough to act as decoration. During the process we "œkilled" some stock but that was a tough decision we needed to take in order to start ruling out possible causes of our problems. When the entire sand bed was out we waited for a month and slowly started adding a very thin layer of aragonite, thicker than the one before. The objective was to have it more as a decoration and heavy enough to not be "œflying" around the tank as the previous very thin was doing.

- We increased the distance of our 4 Ecotech Radion lamps from 20cm from the surface to 35 cm. In addition to that we decreased the density of the lamps from 80% to 70% and we increased the day from 6 hours to 7 hours on 70%. In addition to this we received a wonderful present from a dear friend, an LED 1.5m deep royal blue light which we placed at the background of the tank giving a nice effect especially during evening.
- We increased our NO3 from 0 to around 5 by adding Sango Kai nutri complete daily. We also started dosing iodine. At the same time we stopped dosing amino acids, bacteria and anything else other than the balling (Mg, Ca, kH)
- We started using Rowa Phos in a filter back which we replace monthly. At the same time we stopped dossing Sea Klear phosphate remover as we could clearly see that our snails hated it (they were fainting)
- Last but not least and based on many hours of research we stripped the Ocean Motion and its pippings off. That was one hard task that had to be done. The philosophy behind the Ocean Motion is great but the execution of the product design disappointing. I would not like to talk bad about a product but merely share my experience. We decided on the product as it best fitted our initial requirements (i.e. no visual pumps, sufficient circulation etc). OM worked fine with our first 6.500L pump "“ it was fairly silent and all 8 channels were working. When we realized that the flow was far from being enough, we wanted to upgrade on the pump. Our OM didn't want to work well. First a lot of noise coming from the drum and the pump, then a lot of vibration, then a combination of all, then OM simply didn't want to work at all. These along with some poor customer service from the manufacturer and similar issues read in forums made us take the decision "“ REMOVE IT! By far the best decision we have made. It took me a week to slowly remove all the pipes that were glued on the bottom and on the overflow but it was done. To ensure a sufficient flow we placed two Tunze pumps on either end of the tank attached to the back wall (1 x 6155 and 1 x 6255 connected to a 7096 Multicontroller). We have NEVER seen better flow in our tank "“ No detritus and no dead areas. Corals are moving nicely with the program set and the skimming has improved substantially.

Priceless has been your assistance and guidance without which we would have given up long ago. A big thanks to all that took their time to share their experience with us.

We prepared a small video footage of how the tank looks now "“ only difference is that we put down the Xmas tree yesterday :sad2:

Click on the image below to start the video.

<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Istedgade Reef</a> from <a href="">kenneth olsen</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

We are back in business and more updates will follow. Thank you for your time and once again Happy New Year!

Warm regards,
I like these stories of perseverance, because I'm going through the same thing as I attempt to reenter the hobby after 20 years away. Thanks for documenting all the downs, and occasional ups, in your system, Dino. The tank is looking very good and the 'bonsai' design element shows. Best wishes in 2014.