Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

So here are our thoughts on the corals and placement in the fish tank.

- Unfortunately we don't have the budget to fill the tank completely with corals immediately as the tank itself costed a fortune.
- We would like to avoid having to wait a few years before the aquarium grows with corals but get great results fairly quickly.
- We're not so crazy about buying a handful of corals also spread them out throughout the aquarium so they almost disappear from the living rock.

So we have come up with the following:

- We're going to buy a handful of corals at a time. (which means that we might also be able to negotiate a better price than buying them individually)
- But instead of spreading them out throughout the aquarium, we have decided that we will group them from the start.
- It provides a strong visual impact (This applies to almost everything: whether it's shampoo bottles on the shelf, dolls in a display window, Christmas decorations or in our case corals)
- Of course we must be careful they are not going to sit too close AND have the opportunity to grow.
- An example could be to group a handful Zoas at the base of a staghorn etc.
- On the way we will get some nice "islands" or areas of coral, rather than them beingiin dividually scattered around the tank.
- In this way, it does not matter if all the live rock is not covered with small corals from the beginning, since your eyes can rest on the islands where group of corals will be placed

We have tried to make a few illustrations showing a little better what I try to explain above.

- Our "virtual" coral purchase
- Illustration if corals were spread out
- Illustration if corals were grouped as we plan them to be




This, from a planning perspective ...... Now we'll see if it can be implemented

Taking a long weekend off and traveling to Germany with my partner. Talk to you when I get back on Tuesday.

Thank you for your time in reading our update.

Warm regards from cold Copenhagen,
And here comes an update on the progress in two parts (due to limitation on the number of pictures we can use per post.

Part A










This is a really kool idea. I never like to see coral spread apart too much, I did the same thing with my tank ( started putting corals from one side slowly building my way across to the next side.) I also used the same concept when placing my lights.
This is a really kool idea. I never like to see coral spread apart too much, I did the same thing with my tank ( started putting corals from one side slowly building my way across to the next side.) I also used the same concept when placing my lights.

Thanks Crazyfingerz for the feedback. Very nice to know that you have tried this approach and that we are moving the right direction. Looking forward to action it!

Nearly finished

Nearly finished

Hello everyone around the world,

We can finally feel that the project is speeding up and we are pretty satisfied with how the tank looks like. Today we had Alan the carpenter over and finished installing the top panels. The one on the left hand side can be opened completely, the one in front can be opened up to a 40degrees ankle. Due to the length of that panel it was impossible to have it totally open without risking the balance of the structure.

You hardly never see me on pictures because i am busy being the photographer or as my partner says, I am simply lazy which is not true :hammer:

Here are the pictures from todays progress:







Tomorrow we are getting the ocean motion connected and the last connections.
Last thing left is the stand for the Radion lamps.

Hopefully beginning of next week we test the system and can simply not wait :rollface:

Thank you for reading my update and wishing you all a wonderful weekend from Copenhagen

It looks really good, i like the "clean" look on the stand and canopy. Well done, this will be fantastic once you fill it up with water and livestock:)

It looks really good, i like the "clean" look on the stand and canopy. Well done, this will be fantastic once you fill it up with water and livestock:)

Thanks Rogerh :beer:

We are very excited for the end result :inlove:

Excellent plan and execution! The modern style goes really well with the rest of the room. Definitely a Scandinavian look :).

Keep it up!
Coming along quite well! You guys are very good with the details. That is one of the nice things about having a tank set up previously before you do a new bigger setup, because when you have that old setup you sit and think what you would have changed or what you plan on doing for the future tank. Very important to get it right so you are satisfied :) keep the updates coming. We ALL love seeing new reefs pop up all over the world.
So here comes a small update.
Yesterday we installed the Ocean Motion on top of the tank and we also test the fishtank by adding water and checking if there are any leaks before we put in mature salt water on Sunday.

Below follows a photographic tour of the Ocean Motion installation.


















Looks like and something extraterrestrial belonging to Star Trek but that the price we pay when we dont want any visible pumps in the display tank.

Thats all for now. Thanks for reading the update and wishing you all a pleasant weekend ahead from cold and dark Denmark.

Kind regards,
