Scotty freddy
New member
Hey Scotty,
Long time admirer and thread lurker. Your reef and corals are spectacular!
But, having gone through similar growth myself I just wonder what your thoughts are on when or if you're going to do something about the "overgrowing" of your tank. I opted to "start over" as it were, but I'm interested in hearing what others are thinking when they reach that point. Do you think you're close or do you think you have a while to go before the tank gets overgrown or do you think you can manage with regular trimming?
Anyways, awesome reef and thanks for sharing!!
Hi Joe,
It is getting to that stage yes I will admit but during my weekly WC I go around and trim parts that have started a fight :lol: some pieces like the stags I've opted to leave and just see what happens as I'd like them to all grow right up and intertwine. I don't think I will ever get to the point where I will pull it down and restart because of coral size, I would probably just go with big trimmings of pieces and let them start over. A lot of people have asked me if I would upgrade the tank but I really don't see that happening anytime soon either because if I were to build another tank then it would have to go in the exact spot this tank resides. Moving it to put another in it's place just seems like too much hard work for me at the moment
I was also an admirer of your tank Joe, it's a shame you had to pull it down and restart mate! People say they want extreme growth but we know that it can be the biggest downfall if they grow too quick!