Scotty freddy
New member
Incredible!! Not sure how I have overlooked this system for so long. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Tom
That's really a good news. I assume it is growing too. Because you have so many bulbs, the clam must be getting plenty of energy (read this as PAR) to sustain its growth requirements. Normally I would recommend that a clam be placed higher up on rock structures as they do not have any light saturation points. Te more light they get the faster they will grow.
I used to keep clams (Tridacna crocea and Tridacna squamosa) and absolutely loved them. They were my favorite animals.
I love my clams as well mate, they have definitely been growing and have been very happy on the sandbed. I think you right too as I have a lot of bulbs above them
I think it's a good sand cleaner
Yes mate he's a fantastic sand cleaner
What the heck is that..
:lol: he's a Greenfish Sea Cucumber Dan