Scotty & Tammy's 4x4x2 SPS tank

Incredible!! Not sure how I have overlooked this system for so long. Keep up the good work!

Thank you Tom :)

That's really a good news. I assume it is growing too. Because you have so many bulbs, the clam must be getting plenty of energy (read this as PAR) to sustain its growth requirements. Normally I would recommend that a clam be placed higher up on rock structures as they do not have any light saturation points. Te more light they get the faster they will grow.

I used to keep clams (Tridacna crocea and Tridacna squamosa) and absolutely loved them. They were my favorite animals.

I love my clams as well mate, they have definitely been growing and have been very happy on the sandbed. I think you right too as I have a lot of bulbs above them :)

I think it's a good sand cleaner

Yes mate he's a fantastic sand cleaner :)

What the heck is that..

:lol: he's a Greenfish Sea Cucumber Dan :D
Very nice clam mate. It must look amazing from the top down view.

Not sure I like that slimey looking monster worm though...:uhoh3:
Very nice clam mate. It must look amazing from the top down view.

Not sure I like that slimey looking monster worm though...:uhoh3:

Thanks sahin and yes mate that one is awesome top down :)

He's my sand cleaning machine and my secret weapon buddy so it's ok if you don't like him :lolspin:
Been a while since I've done an update on this tank so thought I'd share some photos Tammy took the other night whilst trailing her new lens







Well tammy did an awesome job buddy!
Great pics!:beer:
Love the nigrigans!
Why is that monti's morphology like that in the 5th pic scotty?Weiiiird!
3rd pic...SSC in the middle?
Well tammy did an awesome job buddy!
Great pics!:beer:
Love the nigrigans!
Why is that monti's morphology like that in the 5th pic scotty?Weiiiird!
3rd pic...SSC in the middle?

Thanks Mike :)
I'm not too sure on the weird growth on the monti buddy, it's just a piece of my red from the front right of the tank that's been put into a lower flow area.
Yes mate 3rd pic is SSC :)

Awesome as always mate! Nice shots! :thumbsup:

Thank you coral102 :)
Just discovered this fine work of art.... Inspired! I read your stocking list from Feb 2014 and saw the 7 clams :) Could you share your dosing regimen? How many ml and frequency? I am just starting to dose a 150g SPS system .

Just discovered this fine work of art.... Inspired! I read your stocking list from Feb 2014 and saw the 7 clams :) Could you share your dosing regimen? How many ml and frequency? I am just starting to dose a 150g SPS system .


Thank you Reefocd :)
I'm dosing Randy's recipe, 660ml a day alkalinity and calcium broken down into 20 separate doses of each a day, 140ml a day of magnesium broken down to 14 doses daily.

Hope that is helpful :)