Hey! I think your tank is going to turn in to a solid piece of calcium carbonate soon! Awesome work!
I can't remember seeing but are you running a calcium reactor or 2 part? I would assume reactor because i can't imagine dosing that much...
Where is the shot!?
I only see paradise.
Wow just wow.
OMG, What a nice tank. Thanks for the pics!
Very impressive! How have you provided enough flow in the middle of that acro forest? Do you have any die off in there? It's looking REALLY good!
Very stunning corals. Your tank looks like GBR"¦.:thumbsup:
Awesome as always Scott
Wow! The tank looks amazing Scott. The growth under the T5's is insane. I am still on the fence about switching from halides to all T5. I will probably do it in the future, but I don't want to change my colors right now.
One question please Do you have good control over the colors that you get? If you dose amino or feed more do colors get deeper (colors are beautiful now)? I ran t5's in the past but my tanks was uln, and I got zeo looking colors as a result. I'm curious how the color would be covering every inch of a higher nutrient reef in T5. What are your thoughts?
Good thinking mate, we can blame Tammy for the disaster and guilt her into a big upgrade - that is what you really mean but won't say because Tammy will read it............
Ok here the pics I promised
Absolutely stunning. How do you manage your calcium levels with those clams.
I have had huge ALK spikes due to calcium depletion cos of clams and had to remove a few.
Awesome mate! :thumbsup: A great tank and some crazy crazy coral growth! :beer:
Hi Scotty, how many fishes have you got now in your tank? and how deep is your sand bed? do you clean it every now and then?
That's a steel stand or wood?