Hi all. My name is Vinh and I've recently got back into the hobby about 6 months ago. In that short timeframe, I've outgrown my tiny 3x3 cube ( which was suppose to hold me over for a year. Well you know how that goes so the search for the upgrade began. This time around though, I'm going to try and log more entries..
I've been searching for a replacement tank which would make the most out of the space I had in my 1 car garage. I had originally purchased a 5x4x16 to addon to the current system but then a friend hit me up and asked if I wanted to purchase a 8x4x12. I jokingly threw out the lowest dirtiest scummy number I thought of and he said OK. :hmm5::lolspin::eek1:
So with my trusty upgrade buddy, Jimmy007. We set off to pick up yet another tank. 5 hrs later, a little manual labor and we're home. Hopefully my wife won't leave me..:love1:
I've been searching for a replacement tank which would make the most out of the space I had in my 1 car garage. I had originally purchased a 5x4x16 to addon to the current system but then a friend hit me up and asked if I wanted to purchase a 8x4x12. I jokingly threw out the lowest dirtiest scummy number I thought of and he said OK. :hmm5::lolspin::eek1:
So with my trusty upgrade buddy, Jimmy007. We set off to pick up yet another tank. 5 hrs later, a little manual labor and we're home. Hopefully my wife won't leave me..:love1: