Sea Shepard turns its attention to our hobby

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This is where u r wrong. I can't believe you think that just because something is legal or illegal that makes it right or wrong? Cigarettes are legal do you want your eighteen year old kid 2 smoke them? Just because someone might smoke a different plant & care about this planet, does that make them a "wreckless hippie"? Nice pre-judgment of an entire group of people. I struggle constantly with my choice of this hobby. I use LED lights, buy frags, ORA bred fish,drive a hybrid car, recycle, compost my waist, grow & organic garden and soon will employ a wind turbine/solar panels to produce my own green energy. I guess all the money and thought I put into my green lifestyle is a waste of this wreckless hippie's time:wildone:

We are quite different, but yet much alike ;) The difference between you and sea sheppard is that you are keeping to yourself and he is pushing himself on other people. I respect and admire your method much more.
Well put. I don't understand how Sea Shepherd can shoot stink bombs at another ship and not expect to get shot at. And when the Japanese did shoot something back the Sea Shepherd guys freak out like they cant believe they are being attacked.

If you were a captain of a ship in the middle of the ocean and someone started firing bottles at you, what would you do?
This is where u r wrong. I can't believe you think that just because something is legal or illegal that makes it right or wrong? Cigarettes are legal do you want your eighteen year old kid 2 smoke them? Just because someone might smoke a different plant & care about this planet, does that make them a "wreckless hippie"? Nice pre-judgment of an entire group of people. I struggle constantly with my choice of this hobby. I use LED lights, buy frags, ORA bred fish,drive a hybrid car, recycle, compost my waist, grow & organic garden and soon will employ a wind turbine/solar panels to produce my own green energy. I guess all the money and thought I put into my green lifestyle is a waste of this wreckless hippie's time:wildone:

if anyone is prejudging its you. because nobody said anything to the tune of what you are accusing them of saying. All that was said is the people on the sea shep are wreckless hippies. and based on how they carry themselves that is a pretty accurate description, not a pre judgment by anymeans.
But surely asking people to keep captive bred fish, rather than going out and catching wild animals is a fair thing? I mean, the capture, collection, and shipping methods are really unpleasant for the animals. Why put them through that?

Talk about reckless, I think it would be reckless to keep catching wild animals from a strained natural system, then replacing them with more when they die, either of stress or a shortened life span.
if anyone is prejudging its you. because nobody said anything to the tune of what you are accusing them of saying. All that was said is the people on the sea shep are wreckless hippies. and based on how they carry themselves that is a pretty accurate description, not a pre judgment by anymeans.

I have 2 agree 2 disagree about the work Paul Watson & the Sea Shepard do. I see people that are willing 2 risk their own lives to protect the animals of this planet. I have been fortunate enough to see Humpback whales up front & personal and any human being willing 2 kill such an animal deserves all the harassing that they can get. I guess maybe I'm in the minority when it comes to thinking that humans don't deserve to use and destroy this planet at will.
I have 2 agree 2 disagree about the work Paul Watson & the Sea Shepard do. I see people that are willing 2 risk their own lives to protect the animals of this planet. I have been fortunate enough to see Humpback whales up front & personal and any human being willing 2 kill such an animal deserves all the harassing that they can get. I guess maybe I'm in the minority when it comes to thinking that humans don't deserve to use and destroy this planet at will.

I wont argue that their intent is good, but the way they go about it is reckless. 1 human life is not worth a dozen whales imo. Plus if you consider they things that they throw on a ship to foul the whale meat means they just have to kill more whales to compensate. they are not preventing anything. If anything they are adding to the problem inadvertently.
It seams sooner or later its going to cost someone their life. I don't see how they can keep doing it every year without a price to be payed.
He seems a bit nuts... but maybe that's just me. Not everyone is out to abuse the reefs, I personally don't have a single wild harvested coral anywhere in my tank that I'm aware of, everything is from frags either through reputable farming operations or local reefers... And the norm seems to be that the majority of folks these days get their majority of livestock from local clubs, at least in the experience i've had recently.... maybe my experiences are unique, or at least not the norm, but it certainly seems that way to me.
How can someone get away with making a statement like 80% are from Hawaii and get away with publishing it? It just seems like you can put whatever you want out there and there's a hoard of people that take it for gospel. Just makes me shake my head. It's really scary and sad at the same time.
It seams sooner or later its going to cost someone their life. I don't see how they can keep doing it every year without a price to be payed.

I think that is the eventual plan and I think Mr Watson is secretly hoping for it. They'll lap up the publicity for sure.
the bottom line is they are pirates And can not believe people like Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin foundation support their actions
the bottom line is they are pirates And can not believe people like Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin foundation support their actions

If they r pirates than what do you call the people killing whales, baby seals, sharks, etc.etc. ?:thumbdown
I wont argue that their intent is good, but the way they go about it is reckless. 1 human life is not worth a dozen whales imo. Plus if you consider they things that they throw on a ship to foul the whale meat means they just have to kill more whales to compensate. they are not preventing anything. If anything they are adding to the problem inadvertently.

The point is the whales r protected and being illegally harvested. Plus, the meat is so full of mercury that anything eating it would b slowly poisoned. The world is a corrupt place and Paul Watson & his volunteers risk their lives 2 save life while others sit back in their comfortable little lives & do nothing.
The point is the whales r protected and being illegally harvested.
The point is that that's not true as I pointed out earlier in the thread.

"Regardless of whether they're abusing the intent, scientific whaling is a provision of the IWC agreement. In any event, the IWC moratorium is a non-binding agreement, not international law, so even if the Japanese were in violation, what they're doing in international waters still isn't illegal.

If the Japanese simply withdrew from the agreement altogether, and were therefore not subject to any of the IWC regulations, do you think that Watson would leave them alone? Given that he was sinking whaling ships years prior to the moratorium, I certainly don't think so. He's opposed to whaling on ideological grounds, not legal grounds, and he's only using his false claim of illegal activity as a post hoc justification so he can pretend to be a hero rather than just a terrorist."

Paul Watson & his volunteers risk their lives 2 save life
And as I also pointed out earlier, despite the fact that they risk their lives and the lives of others, there is no evidence that they have had any impact on the number of whales being harvested. Their stated goal of stopping whaling by making the Japanese whaling fleet unprofitable is nonsensical since it's never been profitable and was never intended to be.
Problem is the Government of Japan says it's for research and thats a loop hole in the system. The US Government can stop whale hunting now by pressuring the Japan government for doing so. I agree by spoiling the whale meat might do more harm. Canada is really bad as well killing seals by bashing there heads.

Japan is the Main problem though they over fish
If they r pirates than what do you call the people killing whales, baby seals, sharks, etc.etc. ?:thumbdown

i call them hunters,fisherman, but not anything illegal. Morally wrong? yes.

But when you Ram, harass, launch things at, and board ships, that is nothing short of piracy.
Lets face it humans ruin everything: reefs, the rest of the ocean, the forests, the atmosphere, animal populations, fish populations, the temperature, glaciers, the ozone... I could go on and on. Heck, I bet next all out satalights will throw off earths orbit. So to all those people saying "stop whaling" "stop keeping aquariums" "stop fishing" "stop farming" then unless you want to either eliminate the entire population of people on earth, convince every government in the world to ruin the economy and rebuild our society from the ground up, or move everyone to the moon or mars and leave the earth alone then there is no way you can keep the earth as it was when we all were still monkeys. Good luck with that :fun2:
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