Sea Shepard turns its attention to our hobby

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Lighters actually make up a HUGE part of the plastic that's found floating around, in the ocean. Think about the lighter fluid that may leak out, into the stomach lining of the animal, as the plastic is degraded by stomach acids..... Just one possible example of negative impacts of garbage, in the oceans.
I mean on the surface, that looks horrifying, but I wonder how much actual harm that did to the bird.

It's dead. I don't think it really gets much more harmful than that. BTW, it's seed eating birds that swallow sand (not stones) to help grind down those hard seeds. Don't need that for eating soft fish. Besides, Albatrosses only see land when they nest, not much by the way of stones or sand in the open ocean.
Do Albatrosses swallow stones like other birds to aid in digestion? A lot of that look like rocks. I mean on the surface, that looks horrifying, but I wonder how much actual harm that did to the bird. Again, I'm not expert.

Ick looks like there is a lighter in there. Purple left off center a bit.

Heh I feel like I should make it known that I really do care a lot about the environment. I just don't want my constant questioning to make it seem as if I don't actually think plastic in the ocean is harmful. I don't think I've ever denied it.

It killed the bird. The ingestion of floating plastic debris is one of the top causes of death for the Laysan Albatross. They normally eat squid and fish (shiny things) close to the surface, but from 100ft above the surface, shiny pieces of plastic look just like squid or fish.

The top cause of Laysan Albatross mortality by the way is also related to humans. Their main nesting site is Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Military installations in this island were built during (and shortly after) WWII, and all of the buildings were painted with lead-based paint. Today the chicks eat pieces of paint that is chipping off the buildings and die from lead poisoning, tens of thousands per year.
Didn't know that about birds in general. I remember reading something about vultures swallowing bones and stones or something. And I saw on some show Albatrosses attacking nesting seabirds and eating their young because of overfishing in the area or something.
Some birds will sometimes swallow "grit" to aid in physical digestion, but that is often very small pebbles and sand. Usually seed eating birds will do this to help crack nuts in the gizzard. Bones are many times already broken down by acid in the proventriculus. I would assume, although I don't know much about albatross, that they dont need much grit to digest fish.
I read through a lot of this... but how did this turn from a discussion about the sea shepherd's views on our hobby to a discussion about the dangers of pollution (namely plastics) in the ocean? Don't get me wrong, both are valuable topics, but threads that veer this far off course often get closed.
I cant believe YOU people after reading such a touching article.... no one has reconsidered their hobby? I toook a hammer to the front of my display and destroyed it just so there would be one less reef tank in the world.. It didnt make much diffrence since most of my corals are aquacultured and the fish were painstakingly collected over time by myself.... but thats beside the point, we are all the Devil and everyone knows i am the top of the totem pole lol... (and before anyone gets super ****ed over this check your sarcasm detector)
I cant believe YOU people after reading such a touching article.... no one has reconsidered their hobby? I toook a hammer to the front of my display and destroyed it just so there would be one less reef tank in the world.. It didnt make much diffrence since most of my corals are aquacultured and the fish were painstakingly collected over time by myself.... but thats beside the point, we are all the Devil and everyone knows i am the top of the totem pole lol... (and before anyone gets super ****ed over this check your sarcasm detector)

lol xD
*Sarcasm*Yes, because you know how your new ORA Crocea Clam horribly hurts the reefs of the world.

I don't know about you, but I like my aquariums. Anyone who tells me to take it down is an idiot. It is not like my corals and fish will end up back in the wild, they would most likely end up in someone else's tank.
You were fooled and misled by the article.
He lied to you and distorted many things.

What you experienced was in other areas akin to misrepresentation, malfeasence, malpractice and loan fraud.

Environmental malpractice is common nowadays and its easy for well-meaning people to get taken.

Develop the same kind of critical thinking that girls do with new guys they meet. Of course they take much w/ a grain of salt until they know better.

It is typical to go after the little guys, rather then go after large commercial fishing operations. This way they can claim a political victory at the hobbiest expense.
In Mexico there are more people regulating the trade then there are people in the trade.
The upshot is that the trade is now allowed to go forward as these new salaries depend upon it.
Once we had so many monitors, NGO folks and biologists in the boat there wasn't enough room for the divers.
We had our "esnorkle Robertos" but now the regulators and hangers on people that live off of us keep them in check.
Whole new world...
Is anyone sincere anymore or is it now all just self interest?


Do a search on the whale wars episodes. The irony is that the material in those epidoses is spot on in most cases about the Sea Shepherds. It is crude humor (also probably not work safe) so be aware of that if you have never seen South Park before and decide to take a look.
This article is so poorly written and so full of half-truths, exaggerations and misrepresentations, that I don't know where to begin. The weirdest thing of all is that it is written by the owner of Snorkel Bob's - an individual who basically commercialized the "cattle car" approach to dumping as many tourists onto Hawaii's reefs as possible.

Probably one of the greatest misrepresentations is that he states that Hawaii does not have ornamental marine collection regulations, or licenses, when it fact it does. Additionally, he cherry picks factoids and statistics from all over the world if he feels they will support his story - regardless of the fact that the data he is quoting has nothing to do with Hawaii. The reality is that Hawaii is a very heavily protected State with large sections of coastline protected or reserved - and greater amounts being added regularly.

Do you remember hearing of "French Frigate Shoals" off the coast of Hawaii? It's the world's LARGEST protected marine reserve - over 140,000 square miles that include 70% of the United States shallow water reefs. It is larger than Australia's Great Barrier Reef. That's right; and once you add in other Hawaii reserves and the Florida Keys, the vast majority of United States reefs are protected reserves - with NO fishing, NO collection allowed.

The saddest thing about this group is that they should not feel they have to lie or exaggerate to advance their environmental agenda. Reefers are probably the one group most open to protection for the world's reefs. However like commercial fisheries or (dare I say) divers and snorkelers, we believe in the idea of conservation and sustainable use.
Those of us that are responsible reefers try our best to keep these fish in the same way as they would be in nature. Granted we all don't have the Georgia Aquariums water volume at our disposal in our backyards, but we still try. And as Bonsai said we are also the most open for protection for the world's reefs because we understand what is at stake because we strive to duplicate them in their entirety, aside from the commercial fisherman bombing them with drag nets.
The sea shepards are nothing but A bunch of wreckless hippies that have not A clue about anything. Obviously whale hunting isin't illegal because If hunting whales was actually illegal sombody with some authority would do somthing about it.Don't get me wrong I don't think we should kill whales,but come on thoes wreckless hippies are doing little to nothing.

This is where u r wrong. I can't believe you think that just because something is legal or illegal that makes it right or wrong? Cigarettes are legal do you want your eighteen year old kid 2 smoke them? Just because someone might smoke a different plant & care about this planet, does that make them a "wreckless hippie"? Nice pre-judgment of an entire group of people. I struggle constantly with my choice of this hobby. I use LED lights, buy frags, ORA bred fish,drive a hybrid car, recycle, compost my waist, grow & organic garden and soon will employ a wind turbine/solar panels to produce my own green energy. I guess all the money and thought I put into my green lifestyle is a waste of this wreckless hippie's time:wildone:
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