Sea Shepard turns its attention to our hobby

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I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. Snorkel bob has created many problems with renting Kayaks and snorkel gear to people that walk on the reefs and fill them with sunblock lotion.

He says their are no more hermit crabs? There are many many areas that go for miles and miles that are covered with hermit crabs. So many that if you reach ur hand for a scoop, you can pick up 20 at a time.

I have attended reef conservation meetings in Hawaii, it is amateur night like you would not belive filled with people with nothing to do and no clue.
Our hobby and little effect on the natural reefs...GOOD and bad... But there is more good than bad. In My Opinion

Can you explain why you think this? It's pretty hard to deny that the overwhelming majority of livestock in the trade is plucked off reefs and it's causing damage.
Our hobby and little effect on the natural reefs...GOOD and bad... But there is more good than bad. In My Opinion

If a fish is removed from its natural habitat it no longer is part of the breeding population.

Regardless of if it dies in transport or lives 10 years in an aqarium in Utah it is still gone.

So if 20000 fish are removed from a natural reef before reproducing then what?

It is all about resource management.

And yes the guy has an adgenda.
3rd world countries have limits on what can be exported yet a state in the USA doesn't have collection limits? In most cases I'd want some regulations in place and not leave the fox to guard the hen house.
The term "hippie" has been thrown around rather loosely. Here is what the hippies of my generation have done. Ended a huge war, brought ecology into the national discussion, and joined the fight for equal rights for women and people of color. The people that were on the other side were derisively calling out "Hippy", spitting on protesters and advocating the status quo.
What has your generation done? Became really good at using Iphone apps?

I attempt to purchase/trade predominatly captive raised corals and fish. There are just too many people that should not be involved in this endeavor because of their lack of knowledge and care towards living animals.

Saying all that Sea Shepard has gone too far and alienated people that love and respect the reefs. I grew up literally next to the Pacific Ocean and I see reef aquariums as an opportunity for someone living far inland to see and experience the magic of our oceans and thereby gain another convert for protecting our environment.
The term "hippie" has been thrown around rather loosely. Here is what the hippies of my generation have done. Ended a huge war, brought ecology into the national discussion, and joined the fight for equal rights for women and people of color.

You forgot to mention the rapid spreading of STDs and instigating the war on drugs :smokin:
Can you explain why you think this? It's pretty hard to deny that the overwhelming majority of livestock in the trade is plucked off reefs and it's causing damage.

Sure! There is negative effects to the natural reefs from this hobby.. I know that for sure :). At the same time reef aquariums help us observe the effects of manipulating various physical and chemical parameters that can't be done on natural reefs. I also do agree that there should be a restriction to how many reef organisms should be taken out each year. :)
as a citizen of a whale hunting country I can only speculate how americans think they can rule the world, and at the same time figure they know it all.
mhm, I guess we'll stop whaling when farmers stop throwing half dead cows in the meat grinder to make hamburgers al mas. I guess rich sailors should run around a few barns and see how meat cows are treated instead of making a fuzz (witch is only possible if one have enough money to buy a ship and a tv station... oh yeah, watson does) about a few whales and a hunting we have done longer than the US was inhabited. Now rich Paul should go on and buy some a clue and a car and start hijacking some farms instead;have a look at some real animal horror.
I hope someone sinks that ship.
It is all about resource management.

And yes the guy has an adgenda.

And he 1000% ignores the need for resource management, and the steps taken so far. Nothing informed or forward-thinking whatsoever.

It's nothing more than a crummy sales pitch to get people to go snorkelling with his gear rather than watch nemo in your living room nano. Spelled backwards: money.

Yes there's an agenda, and money and using sensationalism and unfounded data to prey on peoples' emotions rather than getting them to see the entire picture and setting a path to even better resource management.
as a citizen of a whale hunting country I can only speculate how americans think they can rule the world, and at the same time figure they know it all.
mhm, I guess we'll stop whaling when farmers stop throwing half dead cows in the meat grinder to make hamburgers al mas. I guess rich sailors should run around a few barns and see how meat cows are treated instead of making a fuzz (witch is only possible if one have enough money to buy a ship and a tv station... oh yeah, watson does) about a few whales and a hunting we have done longer than the US was inhabited. Now rich Paul should go on and buy some a clue and a car and start hijacking some farms instead;have a look at some real animal horror.
I hope someone sinks that ship.

Then please educate us Americans and others throughout the world on whaling.

I am not being rude here or anything I am really interested in:
Why your country does it?
How many whales and what species does Norway hunt?
What percentage of your population uses whale products?

Again I am not being political etc. You stated that we are uninformed and try to rule the world so here is your opportunity to teach us something.
as a citizen of a whale hunting country I can only speculate how americans think they can rule the world, and at the same time figure they know it all.
mhm, I guess we'll stop whaling when farmers stop throwing half dead cows in the meat grinder to make hamburgers al mas. I guess rich sailors should run around a few barns and see how meat cows are treated instead of making a fuzz (witch is only possible if one have enough money to buy a ship and a tv station... oh yeah, watson does) about a few whales and a hunting we have done longer than the US was inhabited. Now rich Paul should go on and buy some a clue and a car and start hijacking some farms instead;have a look at some real animal horror.
I hope someone sinks that ship.

For what its' worth, ruling the world hasn't come up on any campaign agenda for quite some time.

If the argument is for subsistance fishing done as it has been for centuries, I don't think there's anyone stopping the inhabitants of whaling villages from feeding themselves.

When you start using cannon-fired harpoons from the deck of a boat no fish can out-run, you may ask fi the argument is still about subsistance. Once the playing field is shifted so that even hunting now becomes a platform for technology and efficiency, someone has to step back and ask how long before they disappear. Ask fisherman where fish stocks have virtually crashed.

As a child I remember being able to catch juvenile codfish running the Hudson river in the dead of winter as it had been done for centuries. They just disappeared.

It's about managing resources in a world where technology can tip natural balances in a heartbeat. It's about getting both sides of the argument to agree that we now have technology that needs to be used responsibly.
as a citizen of a whale hunting country I can only speculate how americans think they can rule the world, and at the same time figure they know it all.
mhm, I guess we'll stop whaling when farmers stop throwing half dead cows in the meat grinder to make hamburgers al mas. I guess rich sailors should run around a few barns and see how meat cows are treated instead of making a fuzz (witch is only possible if one have enough money to buy a ship and a tv station... oh yeah, watson does) about a few whales and a hunting we have done longer than the US was inhabited. Now rich Paul should go on and buy some a clue and a car and start hijacking some farms instead;have a look at some real animal horror.
I hope someone sinks that ship.

You make some good points... but Paul Watson isn't American, nor is most of the SS crew
I will agree with the point that whaling methods using modern technology should not be compared to the whaling methods of Norwegian/Japanese/Inuit tribes of years past. It's apples and oranges.

And that article had ridiculous claims. 99% of captive fish die, etc... Where does he get this crap?

That being said, we all better play nice before Buster shuts us down.
Just in... Looks like the one of the two tanks atop the "Totem Pole" have already started their damage control.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Wow, they did not managed to finish the job of stopping whaling and they are turning on to us ?!? Can't fight with a big opponent and turn toward the small ones ?!? Fight the fight that they can win, not who they can fight with ?!? Dig in your trenches everyone and prepare for the coming onslaught via the media and such. Once these guys made up their mind, they will continue on with their false ideal. We need to be together in order to drive them out to focus on something else in the world. Maybe a " Save The Dugong " campaign is in order.
Although the article makes me rage, remember that is the post of an individual with an agenda making false and unfounded claims. The Sea Shepherd is all about stopping comercial whaling, Borge, do you read what I just said? Think before you flame, also most of those guys are from NZ and AUS.

Offtopic: Evil Nemo, was a personal sleight against my generation truly necessary? PS: The Vietnam war if that's what you're getting at, was not stopped by hippies but by politicians.
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