"Sea weed" in the refugium?


Premium Member
I live in Wilmington, NC near the beach, and there is always sea weed out there when we go fishing,

Would there be any benefits/detriments to trying some of this out in my fuge that anyone can forsee?

Always looking for some diversity.
Sea weed

Sea weed

Sean, I would think it might work just two things. 1) I would consider wilmington a temperate coastal area - in a tank with reef temperatures it may not do so hot. 2) I know from living near the ocean those huge rifts of seaweed house all kinds of critters some good and some bad - might introduce something ugly into tank, just give it a good rinse first. Also on that note if it's near a coastal area and civilization give it a good rinse in new sea water to get any chemicals or petrol type compounds that may still be on the plant.
Sean, if it is in full saltwater, and has a thin ribbon-shaped blade, IMO it's likely Zostera marina. We call it eel grass over here. I saw a distribution chart for it that showed it growing as far south as southern Florida, but it isn't listed in my Caribbean marine plant handbook.
Thanks guys.
I will give it a shot but wait until the summer.
Some days we head out pretty far and make it into the gulfstream. At least thats what my drunken friends dad says :rolleyes:.
I will try to harvest some from there as the temps are even warmer.
Even in NC that stuff does travel you know its in warmer water at some piont in time..... I would give the stuff a try if it grows well then use it.....

I used alot of rock off of north topsail beach.... stuff is good shapes and has alot of differnt sizes covers up with life in no time flat .....
I recently tried that, it didn't work, I tried several kinds at once. The all died within a few days and now I have nitrite in my water and it hasn't gone down in 4 days, I don't know what to do.
You be usin' that skanky california weed. :smokin:
Do a water change to help control your nitrites?
Sure it wasn't nitrates?
Probably the decay caused the nitrite spike. A good water change should help get things back in order.