Seagrass Aquarium Pictures?


New member
Anyone have a seagrass biotype aquarium? I interested in seeing what has been accomplished within this small niche of reef keeping? Any pictures? If not do, does anyone have any good links to some?
I had a sea-grass biotope tank (40 gallon). I kept cardinal fish and lots of inverts in it. I do not have any pictures of it now though.
My seagrass grew quite well. I had a 6 inch dsb, dosed iron, and put freshwater plant fertilizer caps into the sandbed.

The only advice I have is do not put hermit crabs in the tank. They chop down seagrass and other macro-algae like lumberjacks chop down trees.

Some snails appeared to eat the seagrass also, but the damage was almost neglible.

I used a 400 watt metal halide for my tank. Algae growth was considerable however.
davidpt40 said:
The only advice I have is do not put hermit crabs in the tank. They chop down seagrass and other macro-algae like lumberjacks chop down trees.

A-ha, so that's what it is. I have a Caribbean biotope seagrass tank that's been set up for a little over a year now, and just recently I've noticed a whole lot of otherwise healthy seagrass blades have ended up floating at the top of the tank. I thought perhaps my queen conch was munching on them, but hermit crabs makes so much more sense! I can't believe I didn't think of that. I guess it's time to start removing them...

Here's a photo of my tank from a month or so ago:

Along with the grasses (Thallasia and Syringodium), there's also some Caulerpa prolifera. My one fish in the tank is the Pearly Jawfish that you can see peeking out. I don't have many corals in that tank, but the few that are in it are doing well. My substrate is ~3" mud that I collected off of the SC coast and ~2 inches of sand. A lot of it has gotten mixed together because of the jawfish, and sometimes clouding of the water gets to be a big problem. Other than that, the tank does really well. There's a little bit of cyanobacteria, but nothing abnormal. I haven't had as much energy to put into that tank as I would like, but we'll see in the future...