SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Well, after shopping at Cherry Corals for daughter better be REALLY smart, because Daddy hasn't any money left for her for college. ;)

Time to start saving for cooling options.
I am waiting for GHL to announce the price of their new units so that I would have a target number to save for or to consider another option. :confused:
From waaaay back on page 3....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12379095#post12379095 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
I'm shakin' it as fast as I can for that money. :D

I am thinking about putting check valves on each of my Closed Loop returns.
This way if I power it off nothing will be able to go down the tubes that far.

You worried about critters going down the outlets if the pump is off, or are you concerned about backsiphon? Backsiphon wont be an issue if this is closed loop..

So are you going to just leave the 1 inch ports wide open, or were you planning on using something like Omni flex to be able to redirect flow?

If you're going to leave them open, buy caps. If you have to shut down, place the caps on the ports lightly, and remove them when powering back up...

Havent used Omin flex before, so I cant recall if they have any nozzles for it yet or if it just terminates in a 1 inch opening...

The OmniFlex nozzles have no internal screening, they're a lot like loc-line in that the direction of flow can be changed to whatever you desire, but they can do so in a smaller space than loc-line, plus they come in larger diameters.
Probably because they're infinitely directional, the connections are CNC machined, and they are available in multiple sizes. There's nothing I hate more than restricting the outlet of plumbing to attach 3/4" loc-line, so for me they're worth the price.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12475936#post12475936 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dudester
Probably because they're infinitely directional, the connections are CNC machined, and they are available in multiple sizes. There's nothing I hate more than restricting the outlet of plumbing to attach 3/4" loc-line, so for me they're worth the price.

+1 :D... Tell him Mike :lol:

Sean, that is the nozzle i told you about....
Just bought 4 jacks for the beams under the tank room.
I have 2 under their now for the 180 but this tank will stick out further.

Each jack is rated for 18,000 lbs.

I figure that fully loaded the tank will weigh no more than 3,000 to 3,5000 lbs so I should be set.

I plan on cutting some 2" x 12" treated boards down to use as the base for these jacks.
Hey sorry to revisit the critters going into the outlets issue, but a simple solution is just to put a ballvalve, or union ballvalve on each outlet after the OM unit. Critters are smart enough not to go down to where the OM unit is in the face of some monster flow.

Another option if your still really concerned about it is to boil water, dip the tip of the end nozzle of the omni flex in so that it softens, and use a pair of vise grips to compress the now soft omni flex tip into a flared nozzle shape. If you only do the tips, and are careful, you should still be able to rotate the nozzle normally. Its PVC afterall, and thin PVC at that which works in your favor in this sort of situation....

The builder called me yesterday to tell me the tank was almost ready.
Before I send the rest of the $$$ Steve is going down there on Friday to check it out.


Better safe than sorry.

He said once shipped it should only take 10 days to deliver.
So I estimate delivery no later than the 27th of May barring any hiccups.
Warning about BRS rock.

Warning about BRS rock.

From the BRS website.
Eco RoX are free of nuisance algae and pests that are the most common causes for complete tank tear downs. Our rock is guaranteed to be free of apitasia, bubble algae, parasitic isopods, mantis shrimp, acro eating flat worms, little red bugs, fire worms, predatory nudibranchs, pyramidellid snails and other common pests
All of it is true but the part I put in bold for one of my rocks.

I placed the rocks I got from BRS, plus about 60 lbs of rock from my display, in a tub on the 27th of April after giving them a good swishing and dunking.
Last Sunday I went to do some more swishing and a complete tub water change.
The water had a brownish hue to it which I found odd.
The water didn't smell strong, I attributed the waters color to a few dead leaves that had managed to get in the tub...3 leaves to be exact.

Today, I went and pulled all the rock out, dunked, swished, complete tub change etc.

I noticed something very weird on one of my Eco Rox.
It has live macro algaes growning out of it.

I picked up the rock and gave it a good sniff, suspicion confirmed, it smelled like the bay at low tide but a lot stronger.
It smells baaaad!

You know the smell, the smell you get when you open up a box of "live rock" :rolleyes: that was ground shipped to you after it had already been out of the water for days and days...think Walt Smith rock.

The funny thing is that it didn't smell, at least not that I noticed but I didn't stick my nose to it, when I took them out of the boxes they were shipped in.
I was under the impression that this rock was dead base rock.

It is not.
At least not one of the rocks I received, IMHO, this is live rock left out to dry-ish, and not too long ago.
The other 2 appear to be completely dead.

Don't get me wrong, I am not slamming BRS at all, these rocks are freakin' sweet in their size, shape, and price but a rock this size (it is the largest of the 3 I received) placed in anything but a LARGE tank could very well cause a cycle.

I am glad I cook ALL rock before it goes in my tank.

I wanted to share so that other would double check before possibly harming their systems.