SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Here are some pics:

Circled area is macros.






There are many, many more areas with the macros on it.
Here is a closeup of one of the macro algaes.

I just got my first set of lighting in. :D

A 6 x 54 watt Fauna Marin UltraSolaris T5 fixture.
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It is even mid-May yet and already my 1 hp chiller is running a LOT during the day.

I will be adding 66% to my current systems volume.

Looks like I will not be setting up this system untill early July at the soonest.

I am interested in the new GHL chiller but the price on those units hasn't been released yet and I have been told that they will not be available in this country untill at least the end of June.

Time to look at a big Tradewinds. :(
From display to sump, to feed pump to chiller, chiller outlet renters the sump right by return pump.

The bad thing is that the chille ris in the garage and not outside of it.
So all the chillers heat exhaust stays in the garage.

If I can't get a peltier chiller I am leaning towards a 2 hp Tradewinds which I will set outside and drill through the brick in my house.

I will take some. ;)
wow 2hp for 300gal :D. im running 1.5hp tradewind for 600gal on CL dedicated Sequence SEQ4500 and set point 80deg with 3deg difference. my chiller kicks on about 6-8 daily
The Ice Cap SLR's will NOT fit into the UltraSolaris.
They are significantly wider than the stock reflectors that come with the unit.
The IC's are more angled, presumably to reflect more light downward.

I will use this one UltraSolaris in the center of my hood and GHL I Bars for the other 12 bulbs.
I am going to put them between the individual I Bars.
I don't think there is room for them in the UltraSolaris. ;)
I am considering the steel stand route, and/or hood, as well.
Does anyone know of any steel stand builders?
Well since my tank is in Never Never Land at the moment, I am concentrating on my "cooking" more.

Here is one of the tubs I use.

As you see, I use gloves when my hands are in my tank, or in anything to do with my tank,...ALWAYS!

Since I literally almost died from my tank several years ago. :(