SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Glad to see you took the plunge. I did not want to be the only one with a new tank. Le t me know when you get it. I would love to see it. Plus if you want to check out my profilux controller, let me know.
I would LOVE to see your new setup and controller.
I will set up an appt with you ;)
Great news,
I came home today to find three big boxes from bulk reef supply (and one nasty look from my wife) in the living room.

Had to go to work before I got to open them and I am too tired to do it now...can't wait though.

Also, the builder, Jay, called me today to let me know he got my deposit check and would start work.

I asked him about how long it would take to build the tank, being that it is a bit big, so customized, and he probably has a lot of work lined up ahead of mine,
I figured he was going to say a couple of months.
Which is cool with me because I have a lot of planning to still do.

He said FRIDAY! :eek2:
Here is a pic of the some of the plumbing that came in today.

Cepex True Union Ballvalves and Hayward Bulkheads.

Ya know Joe,
A few years ago I PVC cemented Southdown to part of my Starboard and had it in my tank.
To be honest, I just liked the black background better.
I made a FSB on my 60g cube. I got a thin piece of acrylic, then used the famowood epoxy, and some dry sand. After a while, I got kinda tired of it too. It did look kinda cool how it was green like live rock, and covered in coraline though. I just didnt like how you couldnt scrape it with a razor, like a glass floor. Just curious if you thought about it.

what I AM going to do this time, I am going to spray paint the bottom outside of my tank with that plastikote paint. The one that looks like sand. Incase I do go BB, it'll look like sand, but you can still scrape it =)
Are you kidding me? With that Swiss cheese tank back? That's hardcore stuff dude.

That's Marco Rock right? nice Phat pieces! Me likey.
I think the back will finally let me utilize so much extra real estate in the tank without haveing to worry about powerhead placement.

If it is 2/3'rds as cool as I am hoping I will be very happy.

Those waveboxes EAT UP tank room. :)

No these rocks came from Bulk Reef Supply.
They were very helpful in getting me what I was looking for.
Not a bad in price too.
The rock is dead base rock, which I do plan on "cooking" along with all of my other rocks, again.

That fun procedure begins Tuesday.
I am hip. I also think it's possible to aim wave box power heads. At least i imagine it is. Think about this:

What if we could install a PVC nozzle like what you find in a hot tub? Even a short pipe through a ball and socket that the Tunze can be pres fit into? I am playing around with this idea anyway.