SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

I'm glad I could help, Sean. are you serious about your phone??
It's definitely not in California :)

BTW, these ATI's are SUPER bright. I tried various high-powered LEDs and spotlight halogens to get shimmer - no luck. Hahnmeister suggested some other high-powered LEDs as well, but I have not had a chance to try them yet.

I'm thinking that current T5 owners who are able to get shimmer from high-powered LEDs are able to do so because they don't have as much T5 wattage over their tanks (smaller tanks e.g. 75g, 90g) as you and I do. I'm thinking that there is just too much T5 wattage, which washes out the LEDs.
It was on silent, it ticks my wife off that it rings so much so I keep it quiet when I am home.

Found it though...was on the patio table in the backyard. :rolleyes:
Ok, time to get back on track.

I need a stand made.
I am thinking about letting my father-in-law do it, he's a carpenter.
Treated lumber is bad for stands right?
pressure treated lumber is bad

what are the dimensions for your wavebox, boxes?
i am trying to design one now and am thinking 5x5x12. my biggest question that i can't find the info for it the size of the outlet? water goes in and out through the same hole correct?
Do it 6" front to back to allow the ability to take it out.

Water goes in and out of it due to the action of the wave, not through the pump.
The pump doesn't suck water in, it starts and stops in increments.

BTW I believe the builder actually started work on the tank today. :)

Anyone got a good link to stand build threads?
I am not caring about the trim and finish work but rather the raw part.
One more small piece of the puzzle just arrived. :)
You know I am going to have to play with it later lol.

I just cemented two pieces of rubble together.

I am going to wait 15 minutes and then check out its strength.
Sean, make sure you test it out really good. I want to make sure it is the right product before i order a bunch...
Yeah, it needs to be STRONG if it is going to let me make some of the bridges I want.

Going to be a big PITA getting these assembled rocks into the tank.
I am going to need 2-3 total people helping.
Bah! :mad:

After about an hour just the lightest twist and the rocks came a part.
Superglue would have been better, much better.

The only use I can currently see this product being is to patch up gaps in drilled and dowled rocks to make it more naturally formed looking.

Not a strong "glue" at all.

There's $80 down the drain.