Nice!! Im lovin' your build Sean, cant wait to see it up and running.
I scooped up my Profilux from Todd last week and have started my road into the automation world. The most automated I've ever been prior was a gravity fed drip line ATO, lol!
I saw some pics of the new chillers over there too, those things look pretty cool. Im excited for when they come out, and interested to see how you like yours.
Keep up the great work, and GL with the canopy!
On another note, something I wanted to ask you about rock cooking. Im going to be bringing in a fair share of "dry" LR, like marco rocks or Eco-Rox, and was planning on cooking them in just RO/DI water. Im planning on still doing water changes and swishing them and what not, but figuired I wouldn't have to use salt water since they are not live. I would plan on adding the cooked dry rock to my tank after a month or so, and add some cooked "live" LR (that had been cooked seperately in SW) to cycle the tank. Curious as to what your thoughts are?