SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Hi Austin,
Thanks for the input.

As for "cooking" the rock is FW, this will not work.
The bacteria to cleanse the rock are not present there.

Put them in salt water and add just a tiny piece of LR from your tank, the bac will spread rapidly and begin doing their job.

I have been waiting for months to receive my new GHL chillers.
It seems that they should finally be in my hands next week.

Then the setup can begin. :)
Sean.. you stuff is on the way from socal as well :D. I told myself not to send you anything till i see some progress.. hehehe
Steve call me.
Let me know how the "young 'un" (Carolina Talk) is doing. :)

My wife wants a baby now too. :(
It's OK SeanT, I didn't really want a child at first... but now that he is here..... wouldn't take a gold skimmer for him. :)
Hopefully, if we do have another one (healthy is the most important but...) I would like a boy this time. ;)
New PTC Heater/Chiller combos.

Dude, I'm not sure if I should be jealous or ask you to adopt me.... either way this is way too cool.....PUN intended.