Serenity Reef


I hope it burns when you pee.



Glad the tank and the angels are doing well. How many liters of Siporax do you have in the tank?

Hahaha, that's a good one!!!
FYI - I used the official Biggles measurement scale to work out how many liters Siporax , it goes something along the lines that the height of Siporax required needs to intersect with the gravel line.
I think Andrew used 16 Liters , well I've managed to use 10 liters.:thumbsup:
A big thank you to Chris for selecting my premium frags. ( I could stare at them for hours )
Cheers to Rick for shipping them, they arrived safely.
The frags settled in on Monday night, I let them rest yesterday whilst I made some frag bases.
They were mounted today and will need to find a spot on the reef. Happy days!
A big thank you to Chris for selecting my premium frags. ( I could stare at them for hours )

Having Chris select your frags for you is as good as it gets Nils lol - very jelly of you mate :)

Last time i was at Deer Park aquarium i saw a little piece of milli looking acro that was weirdly colored and asked Dave if it was from Chris - 'yeah but he didn't call it a milli, he listed it as rainbow spath so who knows'

After a short and at times sharp lecture about what to do in future if Chris sends any acro with the word 'rainbow' in the description, Dave bagged the spath for me............:p
Acro porn

Acro porn

Don't get me wrong here... We have some famous big time acro porn directors that take amazing awe inspiring photos.
Now I've been intrigued as to what is considered a good photo.
Are the SPS keepers keen to look at acro or does acro porn require a fish in the photo to make it just that.
Here is my first attempt at making acro porn, leaving plenty of room for critique and improvement. It's not the best photo but a start.:deadhorse:

Please feel free to make comments.:beer:
Well, I could not be happier with the progress of the aquarium.
After a failed launch attempt at the beginning of the year I was nervous about going waist deep into acros again. After successfully killing every flatworm in Serenity they got me back by poisoning my tank and restart.
A holiday allowed me time to regroup and come back with vigour.
Siporax methodology is working well for me, to the point where I am now looking to maintain phos and nitrate by chemical addition.
I believe the SPS are enjoying their new home by showing maximum PE.
I've recently tried out a few T5 bulb combo and found one I like.
The frags decided to start growing on day seven requiring the calcium reactor to be turned on. Still in the process of tuning it as more frags take hold on the bigger frag plugs I made.
That's going to be awesome in just a few months!

Do you only have those two angels in the tank? No other fish?
So clean and nice looking.
Thanks mate :thumbsup:
Nice restart. :thumbsup:
Cheers buddy :beer:
That's going to be awesome in just a few months!

Do you only have those two angels in the tank? No other fish?
Thanks mate, so far it's going well. As for the fish , I have not found any I on my wish list.
Yup.. When this grows out, it'll be an Acro forest.
Do the Angels pick at the corals?
Looking forward to each day as it grows. As for the two angels , they seem to steer away from the acro as if the acro don't exist. I am lucky so far with these two , will look at other nano type fish to fill the tank. :thumbsup:

Further updates on my Siporax experiment - the acro were quite pale with nitrates and phosphate on 0.00
I managed to track down potassium nitrate and mono potassium phosphate , mixed up a batch and dosed the tank somewhere around nitrates at 15-20 and phosphate 0.03
The next day these values were 0 in the tank.
Since then I dose 1ml of my solution every second or third day as each 1ml raises nitrate by 5ppm and phosphate by 0.01ppm
Looking good mate.

How are the coral responding to the potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate?

Which leads to another question, I have been doing a lot of reading and the more I read the more confused I get. So dosing those 2 solutions will be adding inorganic phosphate and nitrate, not organic. But don't corals only feed on organic? and only algae will feed on the inorganic?
Looking good mate.

How are the coral responding to the potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate?

Which leads to another question, I have been doing a lot of reading and the more I read the more confused I get. So dosing those 2 solutions will be adding inorganic phosphate and nitrate, not organic. But don't corals only feed on organic? and only algae will feed on the inorganic?

Cheers Acromaniac - The coral are responding well , and colour has significantly improved from a pale to a darker saturation state. I am not an expert on these chemicals , however the PE respond to the dosing which might mean they could be a feeding response.
The algea also made the most of my first dosing where I added upto 5ml of the solution, however since dosing at 1ml the algea bloom on the glass has not been that much of a worry.
What bulb combo did you settle on?

Front to back a mixture of tubes.
KZ blue
ATI coral plus
ATI purple plus
Narva blue
ATI aqua blue special
Narva blue
ATI Aqua blue special
Narva blue

In the future as the above stock runs out it will likely be as follows.
Narva blue
ATI Aqua blue special
ATI purple plus
Narva blue
ATI Aqua blue special
Narva blue
ATI Aqua blue special
Narva blue
The frags past thier first one month milestone during this past week.
Colours have improved now they are settling in.
Most frags are spreading out their bases , covering the bigger plugs I made.

Set the second gyre up during the week.
They were initially set to run ten minutes apart to create alternating clock wise and then anti clock wise flows. The controllers timers are not accurate enough to maintain that set up with one timer running quicker than the other.
They are now set to two minutes gyre so if they sincronise , the ineffective reverse gyre slack water won't be too stagnant.

Time to brighten this page!


View from left

Growth over plug