Share the meaning of your username

Was my Licence Plate but I've retired it Sold the 2005 Mustang it was on. Last fast ride was 125 mph red line 4th gear.
My first coral was a hammer coral that grew well and thrived for me. Since then Ive loved hammers and other LPS that are frilly
My last name sounds like homer, so when I was a kid, homer just stuck(long before the simpsons). 1475 is the day and year I was born
Mine is actually GajahNguntalKawat, because of RC's characters limitation, i shortened it. The phrase literally means 'an elephant swallowed some barbed-wires'

My name is the dumbest...

When you buy an XBOX you get a generic user name...Jammybirch is what i got and i thought it was so stupid i left it alone.

I now use it for a lot of things.
A long while back I joined a flyfishing forum and needed a handle; since I enjoy flyfishing for toothy fish (northern pike, muskies, bigger trout, etc) and the big flies for them are commonly referred to as "bugs" I just put it together, basically "toothy fish bugs" but "toothybugs" sounds a little better and can have a second or third meaning if you get creative. Hence, TB.
My name's Jen (surprise!)

I make lots of phone calls at work... "Hi, it's Jen at..."

Which is frequently met with "Janet?", and I respond "no, Jen"

My coworkers call me jenjen

And I've learned to speak more slowly.
The night I joined the forum I had laid some fish out. I live near the Gulf of Mexico and have some really good fish in the freezer that I've caught. A little while before hitting the office and joining this forum, GF asked if the fish was thawed... my reply? "The fish is cool... cool fish". All night we were saying that for no apparent reason, lol.

I can't believe I just posted this on a fish forum. I guess I should be banned, lol.
See that photo on the left? Yeah, that's me.

I was first dubbed 'greybeard' when I was in my early 20's, and my beard started turning. Kind of an insult, back then, but it's grown on me over the years :)
Mine is actually GajahNguntalKawat, because of RC's characters limitation, i shortened it. The phrase literally means 'an elephant swallowed some barbed-wires'


I had one do that. He lost about 4,000 pounds.

As they say, "This too shall pass."

And it did.
Mine is my first name and first letter of my last name. It's actually a typo. It was supposed to be Ben T.