Share the meaning of your username


Last name is Christian. xian is an abbreviation for Christian just like xmas is an abbreviation for Christmas.

Although, Xian is also a city in China. I believe its the home of the Terra Cotta Army. I learned this after I created the username.
AJS - My initials

I like mythology so when I ran multiple computers they were HELIOS, HYPERION and CRONUS.

14 - twice the luck =p
IceMan = marvel comic nut from way back, and bobby drake was the kid all along though he was an original x-man he stay the perpetual underdog... i kinda sympathize with that, lol
IceMan = marvel comic nut from way back, and bobby drake was the kid all along though he was an original x-man he stay the perpetual underdog... i kinda sympathize with that, lol
Mine is a bit dorky, but it was quick and I like it.. my initials are EC.. and "intheC" sounds like "in the sea".. So it's kinda like "Eric's in the sea". Boom.
My handle was originally "sacramentodots", to seek out the reefers in my area.......

people are lazy and started typing "dots", which is a contraction of my full name.
Fish_wiz2-pretty straight forward, I'm a Wiz when it comes to fish (yeah i know i'm funny) and 2 is because i have this same name under a different forum which i used for first. but i wanted a cool and "catchy" name with the words fish in it and boom! Fish_Wiz. Wiz ;)
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Mine's kind of a pun. If you use initials for my first and middle name, it would give you J.L. Block, so jayelblock is just a phonetical spelling. Also, I used to work at a maximum security women's prison, so it also looks like "jail block."
Way back when, like 20 years ago, me and all my best friends played Dungeons and Dragons WAY too much... My favorite character, a barbarian warrior, was named Serk... In the game, you refer to each other by your characters name... As time went on, they started calling me Serk even when we weren't playing... And it's just kinda stuck...
Mine is odd, in my freshman gym class all the guys had nick names that were original. Since my name is Jack all anybody could think of is Jack in the bean stock, or Jack-o-lantern, until one day this kid walks in stoned and just looks at us and says "Jacksdogs", and that's how I got my nickname.

When I first started a reef vs. an FO tank I kept a tank of RO/DI sitting around for about 3 months with only water in it. Other people would have ammonia and other problems with their tanks and I would say that the water I keep tests out nearly perfect. So, when I joined RC, used WaterKeeper as my user name.
When I registered I was trying to find something aquatic sounding. And since I am a Parrot Head (Jimmy Buffet fan) I came up with this.