Shark Tank at the Hospital


One Happy Reefer
I went to do some rounds at the Hospital and they have a new display
a ~180 G shark tank! It was just put up about a week or so.
It has 2 LED light fixtures and I saw an auto feeder. When I went back to get a better look at the LED it was covered :mad2:
also locked up was the filtration below it, oh well. You seen one ya seen em all huh?

Fish only with dead coral :)


lol funny how they whet LED when they could have gone t5s or VHOs since the upfront costs are cheaper.
Er... these guys are not sharks, they're CATFISH! The Columbian Shark (Arius seemani) is usually sold as a freshwater fish, but is better suited to brackish (s.g. of between 1.002 and 1.008), and will also tolerate full marine salinity. But it's really an estuarine species best suited to where rivers flow into the sea -- part fresh, part sea water... defined as "brackish" (I'm amazed sometimes at the misconceptions people have of that word).

This is just like the misnomers the trade uses for Irridescent "Sharks," and Tri-color "Sharks."

Harry, next time, if you can, TASTE that water! LOL Better yet, bring your refractometer along! I'll bet they're is fresh water, despite the coral decor.

I was actually glad to see who was swimming in that tank. 180 gallons is not suitable for any real shark at adult size.
Nice write up George. They do look catish on second look. Lol.

Interesting this tank does not have overflows.
I'd bet they are in fresh water too. Just because there is dead coral in there doesn't mean a matter of fact all that "dead coral" looks fake to me it's probably some kind of plaster,,they sell that stuff at the chain stores like petco.
Just went there today and now they have 3 yellow tangs, a bunch of yellow tail damsels, one convict, 3 strip damsel, and one domino damsel.

Hmmm what do you think? Maybe they went straight Salt water? I think the Tangs will go hungry unless the feeder will be feeding several times per day. (should we call the Tang Police?)
Hmm Interesting..Maybe it is salt water. I'm sure somewhat of a con job from a maintenance company. Any place like that has a guy or 2 that handles the tank. I'm sure they were told they were real sharks and they acclimated them to be in full salt? Too bad you can't access it Harry I'm curious to know the params.
I'm not sure what the con would be? They are much better suited for that tank than a real shark. In fact at that size they should be kept in full strength saltwater.
I'm not sure what the con would be? They are much better suited for that tank than a real shark. In fact at that size they should be kept in full strength saltwater.

I dont think there was any con job. I ck on the tank everytime I'm at the hosp. All the fish are fine.

I also believe they are in full strength 1.025 NaCl.
I'm not sure what the con would be? They are much better suited for that tank than a real shark. In fact at that size they should be kept in full strength saltwater.

What I meant by that was that the maintenance company probably told them they were real sharks not cat fish. It's doubtful someone would request to have boring dull colored catfish in a big expensive tank. The word SHARK is appealing.