a bit off off topic, but on the subject of lion fish, a year or so back my buddy had one, a violitan and I had a porcupine puffer, both came down w/ cases of ich and they went into quarantine together into a 40g. The puffer was a little more than half the size of the lionfish. The first couple of days all was well and the ich was nearly gone, both fish marginally eating. Later we noticed the lionfish fins and spines werent looking right, well right in front of our eyes the puffer would circle the lionfish, the lion fish would keep maneuvering to keep his spines pointed at the puffer, then the puffer would attack and bite off the lion's spines, The lionfish would make a sudden move and try to bite or jab the puffer, the puffer would puff a little and start circling again. It seems cruel now, but we continued to watch for a little while fascinated by this duel. After a while, we found some acrylic and put a divider in the QT. Well the Lion fish a good 6-7 long died the next day, and the puffer went a few days later. Suffice to say, those are two that may not be a good idea to keep together.