Show me your 20k Radium tanks?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14599816#post14599816 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dzhuo
are there any more picture of 250w radiums running by Bluewave?


The radiums on the blue wave are so much more of a crisp white with just a slight undertone of blue. The gallaxy produces a slighty blue effect, but IMO, they are the nicest electronic out there. I also have my vho's on in the above picture.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14601130#post14601130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FFrankie
Sweet tank Mark. You have some very nice corals :)

Thank You
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14601162#post14601162 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SHOmuchFUN
When are they going to come out with a 250w DE Radium :mad:

It won't really matter as spectrum and ppfd is very hard to dupliucate across the board. Many bulbs that look great in SE, aren't so hot in DE, just take the reeflux 12k for instance ;)
Here is my 120 under 2x400w Radium's on Galaxy ballasts. The picture is the best I could get. most come out bluer but this is very close to what it looks like. In person the color is a bit more bright white. I am very happy so far.
That clam is sweet. Have you had it from when it was a youngster? The tank looks like a recent transfer, how long has it been up?
The clam was 8" when I purchased it. It is now pushing 15"
I just set it up again after a close call with MI and a nudi invasion. I beat both by 1) putting all the fish in quarantine under hypo (3 weeks to go with observation. They are back in 1.026 salinity after 8 weeks of 1.008) and 2) removing all my montipora colony's. I managed to save a red one by psychically removing the nudi's over the past 3 months. I broke down the entire system and rebuilt it. thank goodness I have a large frag system! Yeah, It was a nightmare. Lesson learned ;)
Always nice to see your tank, very pretty! Does the Bluewave overdrive or under drive the Radiums too? I heard Bluewave will drive the 250w Radium to spec. Do you happen to have a shot without VHO? or does the VHO do anything as far as apparency goes?
The blue wave runs the radiums a crisper color. Many people ask is I am running 14-15k. The vho's add minimal hue when the halides are fired up.
im actually about to order a blue wave 7 dual 250 HQI and run 2 radiums in lumenbright larges, do you think i will have to supplement with VHOs?
Thats all up to you. I only run my halides for 5-6 hours so I like the extra lighting.
also, if i decide i dont like the radiums, what other bulbs are good bulbs to run on an HQI ballast like the blue wave 7?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14016686#post14016686 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Todd March
It's the closest to the original Euro specsâ€"probe start, mag ballast... Never seems to have been popular however... What's the color of the Radium like on this ballast, eins...?

Well .....Late last month my bulbs suddenly color shifted big time.

they suddenly lost about 50% of their intensity and shifted WAY to the blue side.

They were within a week of 8 months old.

I am not to pleased with an 8 month life span even though when new they look fantastic.
If there is no real 400 watt ballast that is ideal for the 400w Radiums I might try another 20k bulb....any suggestions on a nice 20k 400w bulb that has radium like look on the Bluewave 1 ballast?

Todd March has mentioned the Helios being an interesting bulb. I am going to get a set to see what they look like on my 400w galaxy's after a few months. Still burning in the Radium's here though atm..